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"What do you mean 'Luinor's spirit isn't destroyed'?" Wakiya is the one speaking, and he's glaring at Shu like it's somehow his fault. "We broke it right in half. The spirit has to be gone."

"We broke the energy layer, and that's not where Luinor's spirit is sealed." Shu looks at everyone. "Guys, Spryzen spoke to me. It's the first time that's ever happened. Clearly Luinor's not gone. It has to be sealed somewhere else."

"Well where else would it be sealed?" Wakiya clutches his chest. "Ugh. And that's to you guys my chest still hurts."

"Sorry we had to keep you alive ," Rantaro says. "But Wakiya does have a point. If not in the energy layer, where would Luinor's spirit be sealed?"

"It has to be somewhere difficult to break," Daigo joins the conversation.

"When you broke the fake Luinor, did you see the spirit?" Shu asks Zac.

Zac nods. "Yes, I did. That's why I thought it was the real thing. I remember I looked around the room and I could see it."

"So it has to be..." Shu smacks his forehead. "Gah! I can't think!"

Daigo does the thinking for him. "Think, what did Lui do when he met us in the dressing rooms? We resurrected the Superstars... then he showed up... and he grabbed the pieces and..." Daigo slams his hand down on the coffee table, nearly cracking it. "The forge disk! Remember, Lui grabbed the forge disk and snapped the real Luinor back together."

"So it's in the forge disk." Shu says. "But where is the forge disk? Lui threw Luinor off the roof after we broke it."

"We better go find it before it gets ahold of Lui again," Valt says. "If it possesses him again he'll go right back to being a jerk. We don't want that."

"The odds of us finding that thing are slim to none," Rantaro says. "There's no way. It'll take us forever to look."

"We have to try. We don't want Lui being a jerk again, do we? We don't want him hurting us anymore, do we?"

Everyone looks at each other. No, they don't want that. They don't want to be hurt by Lui again, especially not Shu. Sure, Lui still deserves to be punished severely for what happened, but that doesn't mean Shu wants him to go back to hurting everyone in sight. The most he can do right now is prevent Lui from causing any more pain, and destroying the last piece of Luinor is the only way to do it. Shu doesn't want Lui to be an evil bastard again. Does anyone?

"Valt's right," Shu says. "We have to at least try to find it."

"Well, where do we start looking, huh?" Wakiya leans back and props his feet up on the coffee table. He rests his hands behind his head. "Once someone can tell me that, I'll gladly get up and help."

"No, you won't," Rantaro says.

Before Wakiya can argue, Daigo jumps in. "Please, for your health and safety, stay here. It's better for you, and it's better for all of us."

Wakiya glares. "Grr... I hate being forced to lay around doing nothing all day!" Wakiya stands up. "You're all running around town trying to stop an evil tyrant from taking over the world and what am I doing!? Sitting here watching it all happen like some useless prick!"

"I know you want to help, but you just can't. You're still not in stable enough condition to help us with anything." Daigo says calmly.

"And who's fault is that? Certainly not mine!" Wakiya snaps.

"Sorry for saving your life !" Rantaro shouts.

"Don't you get involved in this!" Wakiya's focus shifts completely. "Sticking my Bey in my chest was seriously the best thing you could do!? Who's idea was that!?"

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