Marked for Death

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Valt rolls over and opens his eyes. Standing over him is his mom. She's staring down at her son, terrified and confused.

"Valt?! What are you doing on the porch?!" She screams.

Valt gets up. "The door was locked, so I-"

"Wait, you were in your bedroom when I tucked you in! What were you doing out of the house last night?!" She grabs his wrist. "Get in here! You've gotta get ready for school!"

"School?" Valt rubs his eyes and shakes his head. "Oh, yeah! School!" He rips his hand out of his mom's grasp and races up the stairs.

Valt's mom sighs and shakes her head. "Oh, Valt..."

A few minutes later, Valt races down the stairs. He's dressed with his backpack on his back. He grabs a piece of bread and runs out the door while devouring it.

"BYE MOM LOVE YOU!" He shouts on his way out the door.

His mom sighs and shakes her head again. That boy... she has to do something about him, but she isn't sure what. She then walks inside and shuts the door behind her.

Valt runs down the street. However, once he sees the clock on the front of the school, he slows down. For once in his life, he actually isn't running late. He sees his group of friends hanging out in front of the school, talking about something. Rantaro and Wakiya seem to be arguing, and Daigo is struggling to keep the peace. Shu is standing off to the side, avoiding getting involved in the fight.

Valt jogs over to them. "Hey, guys!"

Rantaro and Wakiya turn to look at him. "Hey, Valt," they say at the same time. They then turn to each other. "I said it first! No, I did! No you didn't, I did! It was me! Grrr!"

Shu smiles and looks over at them. "You two are exactly the same."

Rantaro and Wakiya look at Shu with shocked, offended expressions. "No way! You think I act like him ?!" they say at the same time.

Valt laughs. He then thinks of something to talk about. Something that will be interesting, something that his friends would want to hear. "Oh! You guys will never guess what happened last night!" Valt looks around, meeting each of their eyes. "Shu and the Supreme Four-!"

Shu perks up, his eyes widening. Less than a second later, he runs over and covers Valt's mouth.

"Shh!" Shu hisses in Valt's ear. "You can't tell anyone about that!"

"Sorry!" Valt says, though his voice is so muffled it sounds more like, "Smph!"

Shu releases him and goes back to his spot against the wall. The rest of the Bey Club look at him in confusion.

Valt smiles. "I battled the Supreme Four!" he says, glad that it isn't a complete lie. "Shu's just embarrassed 'cuz he lost!"

Shu gives Valt a smirk. He then focuses on something else. So long as Valt doesn't share anything more than that, he should be fine. Shu needs to make sure Valt doesn't say anything about the Blading Hour, or the true forms, or the initiation. Basically, anything that sounds supernatural needs to stay off the table.

Rantaro laughs. "Ha! As if! You sure he didn't let you win?!"

Valt glares at Rantaro. "He didn't let me win! Did you, Shu?"

Shu shakes his head. "Valt beat me with his own strength."

"No way!" Rantaro shakes his head. He doesn't believe it for a second. "The only way Valt could've beaten Shu is if Shu messed up his launch or something."

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