Make or Break (Part 2)

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"Freddy? Bowie? Mick?" Zac steps through the door into the hotel room. It's pitch black in there. The lights are off, the curtains are drawn. It's kind of off-putting, in a way. It feels like something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Zac quietly creeps along the floor. Why is it so dark? It's three in the afternoon. There's no reason for it to be so dark. The Superstars should be awake. The curtains should be open, at least. There's nothing in the hotel room, as far as Zac can see.

He makes it to the other side of the room. He opens the curtains, and light pours in. He turns and looks at the empty beds. They're neatly made, which strikes him as odd. They never make their beds. They throw the blankets off and jump up, ready to face the day. What's the point of making the bed if you're just going to get back into it? That was their philosophy. So why the hell were the beds made?

Why were the curtains shut?

Where were they?

Zac spins in a circle, hoping that maybe they'll be standing behind him when he turns around. His hope is gone when he sees nothing but an empty hotel room the whole way around. He's the only living thing in there. He sighs. There's nothing he can really do except go on a search for them.

Zac pulls out his cell phone. He dials Freddy's number first. Then Bowie's. Then Mick's. He didn't get an answer from any of them. He continues searching the hotel room. He runs out of that room and into his own suite. Maybe they went in there. Maybe they're napping or something.

He hopes.

His hotel room is empty, too. He hadn't been in there in a while. The curtains were drawn, but the comforter was hanging off the bed.He keeps looking around. He can't find any sign of any life anywhere. He was starting to get worried. Where were his teammates? He really hoped that Lui hadn't hurt them again.

"Please be okay," Zac mumbles to himself over and over. "Please be okay, please be okay."

He keeps running around, as if they're hiding in there somewhere.

He runs over to his bedside, looking for any clue as to where they could've gone. He started opening drawers, but there was nothing. He races out of the room and down the hallway at a speed faster than light. His fans saw him, and tried to stop him, to talk to him, to get autographs. He ignored every single one. He had more important things on his mind.

"FREDDY! BOWIE! MICK!" Zac shouts as he runs.

He suddenly gets grabbed.

"AAAHHH!" He struggles and kicks.

"Zac! Chill!"

Zac relaxes. He takes a breath. The person grabbing him isn't a psychotic maniac or even an over-zealous fan.

"Orochi," Zac says with relief.

Orochi releases him and stares at him. "What's been going on with you? You've been acting really funny."

Zac doesn't feel like answering that question. "I can't find them."

"Can't find who?"

"Freddy, Bowie, and Mick."

Orochi looks around. "Yeah, I haven't seen them all day."

Zac is trembling. "I'm starting to worry."

"I can see why." Orochi pulls out his cell phone. "I'll call 'em."

Zac pulls out his own phone. "Me, too." He hits the power button and gasps. "Mick called me. Five minutes ago. He left a message."

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