Make or Break (Part 3)

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Shu's eyes flash crimson again as he's running down the street. He looks left and right for the dragon within Lui's Bey. Lui might be able to hide his Bey, but he can't hide the spirit. Think, where would Lui hide his Bey? Shu thinks and thinks, but the only answer that comes is that Luinor is with Lui. Lui isn't the type of person that would leave Luinor unattended. The safest place that his Bey could be is with him. But no matter how many times Shu glances in the direction that Lui presumably went, he can't see the spirit of Luinor. It's starting to frustrate him. Not only is the location of Lui's Bey frustrating, but the sheer confusion that he felt was starting to eat away at his sanity.

Why did Lui invite them over? Was it for the sole purpose of locking them in a cockroach-infested shed? That seems unlikely. Lui is cruel, but he's never cruel without a purpose.

Shu skids to a stop. In front of him, Valt and Rantaro turn around and stare. "What is it, Shu?" Valt asks.

"Did you see anything in the shed?" Shu asks.

"Uh, no... just a bunch of roaches."

"Why would Lui lock us in there?"

"Because he's a dick," Rantaro answers.

Shu takes a breath. "Lui's cruel, but he's never cruel for no reason. There's always a motive behind his actions. He must've had a reason for locking us in there. The question is, what was the reason?"

Valt and Rantaro think. "You're overthinking this," Rantaro says. "Lui's a dick. He locked you in the shed 'cuz he thought it'd be funny."

"That's the thing. Lui's not the type of person that would do that. There must've been something in the shed that he wanted us to see."

Valt looks at Rantaro. Then at Shu. Then back at Rantaro. "Shu, I think Honcho's right. Lui locked us in there so we wouldn't be able to follow him right away."

"That's the thing!" Shu turns around, and looks in the direction Lui presumably had gone. "Lui knew! He knew that we knew exactly where he was planning on going! He's either at the hideout, or at the WBBA. There's no other place he'd logically go! We could've followed him even if we didn't see him walk away. There must've been something in the shed."

Valt and Rantaro stare at their friend. Neither of them wants to admit the truth: Shu's gone absolutely bonkers. He's desperate for a lead, and he's willing to get it from anywhere. They also know that Shu won't listen to a thing they say.

Shu turns around. "I'm going back to the shed. There has to be something in there that Lui wanted us to find."

Valt and Rantaro know that there's no stopping him. "All right. Let's go with him," Rantaro says. He then leans closer to Valt and whispers. "Once he finds nothing he might calm down."

"I hope so," Valt says. "He's starting to freak me out."

Shu feels in his pocket. "Oh my God, I forgot that Lui took my phone."

Valt and Rantaro look at each other. They both sigh. "We should go find Lui and get your phone back," Rantaro says.

Shu sighs. "You guys are right. I'm losing it. We need to find Lui. Forget the shed, there's nothing there."

Valt relaxes. "All right. Let's keep going."

They continue running down the street. "Lui's probably at the docks. I don't know when the ferry leaves, but I hope it doesn't leave for a while."

Valt's phone vibrates. He answers it while he's running. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Daigo. Hoji and I hacked onto Wakiya's laptop. I went on the Internet for two seconds and I got a notification from MSN. Zac got arrested."

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