Chapter Five

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"I despise you"

I almost don't want to go to school, because of the incident with the great dao ming si. I sigh, cause I really can't do nothing.

I'm on the way to my classroom when a pile of students just flood in the hallway. 'Whay s happening?' I thought. I tried to sneak in the peoples crowd and saw shanchai in front of the bulletin board.

"Hey shanchai what's happening?" I asked her.

"Xien. ." she said staring at me.

"What?" I asked her but she just stared right at me. It kinda creeps me out.

"Shanchai? Do I have a dirt in my face or something?" I asked her.

"Xien. . YOUR ACCELERATED!!!" shanchai yelled.

"IM ACCELERARED!" I yelled too as the crowded people, started to stare at us.

"Wait what?, I'm accelerated as in I'm now a senior?" I asked shanchai and she nodded in response.

"Wait your Hong Xien?" One of the crowds people ask.

"Yeah??" I awkwardly said to him, and they all started to crowd up to me.

"Wow your pretty!"
"Want to be my friend?"
"Let's be friwnds!"
"Your so smart!"
"I want to be smart too!"
"I want to be with F4 too!"

I hear them say as they pile up on me. But only one caught my attention. F4?. I was slowly choking at the crowd. Luckly the principal came and shoo them all away, including shanchai, Shing ah, and li zhen.

"Are you okay Ms. Hong?" Principal asked me

"I'm fine sir," I said.

"Good, first I want to congratulate you" he said and flashed a smile. "Not only you are pretty but you got the brains. " he said while escorting me to my soon to be new room. Cause apparently in now a senior. "You'll be put in class 1-A for perfecting the entrance exams and excelling in academics."

"Okay." I awkwardly said, as I don't know what else to say.

"May I ask you Ms. Hong" principal ask. I nodded my head in response. "Are you the daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Hong?one of the successful business man and woman in asia? The owner of the hong university?" He ask while eyeing me.

" yes." I replied plain. I can see his eyes glitter with shock.

"Where's your brother?, why are you schooling with Ming de university than your own school?. Your academics could be a great addition to the school I mean your brother excellence is already great like our Dao ming si and F4 but with you there, your school might gain more popularity." Principal said.

"Well I guess I have some kind of mission here. ." I mumble.

"Mission? to take down the Ming de University?" He asked like a Leach trying to suck on its prey. I only have seen this principals dark side, by his question he seem to be a loyal famwhore pet of the school, and a back stabber. Luckily we have arrive at the room.

"Well were here Ms. Hong. , I guess we can talk other times" he said and smile.

'I hope I don't meet you ever' I mentally shouted before flashing him a smile and knock in my suppose to be new class.

A tall strict looking woman opened the door, she have specs and quite tall. "And who might you be?" She asked in a strict tone.

"I'm the accelerated student ma'am" I said ever so politely, her scowl face instantly turn into a smile, she warmly welcome me in.

"Come in" she said and smile, I smile back in response.

As I walk in I instantly notice someone, someone who's practically my worst enemy this school year. Dao ming si. . together with Xi men and mei zuo. I instantly want to walk out, 'I DONT WANT TO FINISH MY SCHOOL YEAR WITH HIM!' I mentally scream.

The 3 finally notice me, they have a shock look. And the teacher finally introduce me.

"Class" she spoke strict. "This is Ms. Hong Xien, she is the accelerated freshman who perfect the Ming de university's exam. She is also a business management major in highschool at Hong University, scoring the second highest at the School board Exams for highschool after Darren Hong, and followed by Wang rei, Xi si ru, and hang jiwon of Hong university."

I can hear their whispers and nods, and expectations from me. When I look at the F4 I can see that they have high expectations of me.

"Ms. Please be sitted beside Mr Dao ming si. " she ordered, I just stood there not wanting to sit beside him.

"Is there any problem?" The teacher said.

"Nothing maam" I said in a low tone before hesitantly sitting beside him.


The bell finally rung, and surprisingly my hours with them aren't as the worst as I thought, they are polite and obey the teachers. I guess they really are focus in herd with their studies.

I was about to close my bag when dao ming si put something in it and walk away. Followed by Xi men and mei zuo.

I quickly look on what he put, its a roll of money with a note.

'Buy 10 phones, crybaby'
-handsome dao ming si

My eyebrows quickly twitch at his statement and quickly ran after him.

Dao Ming Si POV

"I finally did it" I mumbled catching up to Xi men, and mei Zuo.

"Ya! I didn't expect her to be smart. " mei zuo said.

"Me neither" Xi men said.

"Well I must say. . she is" I said. While they look at me. "I'm not saying this cause I like her or anything!" I protested. "I only like shanchai" I mumbled to myself.

"What!" Mei zuo yelled. "You like shanchai!"

"I knew it." Xi men said.

"No I didn't! Like her!" I yelled, crap didn't know they will hear it. They where about to protest when Xien suddenly walk up to us.

"Dao ming si. . thank you. ." she said shyly, I can only smirk at her attitudes, I knew it! This girl likes me. but she suddenly yell. "DO YOU REALLY THIBK IT WILL GO LIKE THAT!" She yelled and settled me, all of the people started to stare at us.

"HERE!" she yelled while throwing the money I gave her at her face. "TAKE IT ALL! DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN BUY ME LIKE THAT!"

"Remember this dao ming si, if you think that the world revolves around you and your money then you are wrong!" She yelled pointing at me.

"There are only two types of people in this world; The one who'll squeal over you and the one who won't give a damn about you." She said still not taking her eyes off me.

"and I happen to be the one who'll never squeal nor give a damn about you!! cause. . dao ming si" She muttered getting close to me.

"I DESPISE YOU" and with that she quickly turned and walk away. Laving me dumb founded and . . pissed.

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