S1E1: The Sofa-Bed

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"For someone who doesn't stop going on about Formula One, you're surprisingly shit at driving" Adam remarked as we got out the car.

"Ha ha!" Jonny said sarcastically, and glared at me as I laughed.

"Seriously, like no control of the vehicle" Adam continued.

"No control of the vehicle?" Jonny questioned, while trying to lock the car, but instead making the alarm go off.

"Why does it keep doing that?" he uttered while trying to turn it off.

"He makes a fair point" I chuckled.

"No control of the vehicle" Adam said again.

"Well you can drive next time!" Jonny said frustratedly.

"Fine, and you can learn from the master!"

"Master knobface"

"You two are terrible" I moaned.

"Yeah, but you love me" Jonny grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Why's the door open?" Adam asked. Jonny went in first, then Adam followed and I entered last. We all stopped to see Wilson sat in the middle of the hallway, panting. Then Jim came out of the toilet.

"Oh, hello" he said.

"Uh, hi Jim" Adam stammered.

"Jonny" Jim guessed

"I'm Adam"

"I'm Jonny"

"And that's Katie" Jim pointed out, trying to be funny. He then looked at Wilson and flinched.

"Why are you?" Adam started, his sentence trailing.


"Never mind"

"Good boy Wilson" he said, picking up his lead and flinching.

"Bye" Jim said as Adam closed the door behind him.

"Well, that wasn't strange" I breathed as we walked down the hall, stopping at the garage.

"Hi mum!" Jonny and Adam said.

"Hi boys, hi Katie"

"Hi Jackie"

"What are you doing in the garage?" Jonny asked.

"We're having a clear out" she replied.

"Don't you mean what's Jim doing in our loo" Adam remarked.

"Martin, you do know the boys and Katie are here" Jackie pointed out. "Say hello." Martin appeared from behind a stack of boxes, shirtless.

"What?" he turned and notice us. "Oh, hello bambinos, femmina"

"No top tonight?" Jonny asked.

"He's boiling"

"I'm boiling"

"And Jim's using our toilet because" Adam also asked.

"Oh, his is broken" Jackie said casually.

"Broken?" I questioned.

"He broke it. No, there" Jackie moaned at Martin

"He broke his own toilet? How'd he do that?" I asked some more.

"How do I know?" Jackie shrugged. "Anyway, he asked if he could use ours, what could I say?"

"No" Adam suggested.

"Use a bucket" Jonny also suggested, and I laughed.

"This as well?" Martin asked Jackie.

"Yes, all of them. Then you're doing the sofa bed" she instructed.

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