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  • Dedicated to Kayly Muniz

Chapter Four

The last thing I remembered was dancing on the dance floor I couldn’t tell you with who though, it was blurred on the facial features. I couldn’t tell you what happened next or how I ended up in a bed with a guy’s shirt on. I inhaled the deep perfume, it was WAY too dark and mucky for Brent, and I didn’t think I’d ever smelled it before. It was a long sleeve navy blue shirt that stopped mid -thigh. My eyes had crusties on them, I rubbed at my eyes trying to force myself to get out of the comfy king sized bed.

Once my eyes were open, I looked around and was surprised at what I saw. It was a small room, the bed was actually more like a queen and barely fit in the small room. There was a small square TV on the floor in the corner next to the hamper. There were clothes stacked in piles neatly folded, I swallowed, and I had never seen this room before. This was bad, this was REALLY bad! I slowly got out of the bed looking around, no one was in the room but I vaguely heard metal on metal noises.  Crap, where’s my phone? I dove for the bed trying to feel for it but it wasn’t there, it wasn’t next to the bed on the nightstand either. The bedroom door was shut so I slide it open really quietly, on the other side was a dining room area, if you could call it that. It met the kitchen with a table, there was a half gone bowl of top ramen and energy next to it, fully downed.

            “Someone eats healthy.” I muttered under my breath still moving through the house cat-like. It looked like only one guy lived here with all the stuff and little to no food. That or there wasn’t a woman, no woman could handle this little of food and top ramen? Seriously? Ew! I found the door but then I heard a car start on the other side of the house out the sliding glass door. I groaned and moved towards the door, I peeked out the door to see a guy underneath a car like he was working on it. I couldn’t see his face so I opened the door, the sun baked on my skin and I felt like I had an extra layer of tanned skin on me. I felt energized and renewed in a totally different way, I did notice though as I walked between my legs was sore. Like I had been biking for hours, it wasn’t terrible pain but it was THERE for sure! The guy heard me and looked up from the car, I saw him, well upside down; he had dark black hair that was long and wavy. That was about all I could make out since he was upside down, I could tell he was tall and probably around my age.

            “Um… can I have my pants?” I asked surprising myself, he arched an eyebrow and pushed himself from under the car to stand up.

            “Your pants?” He repeated, I nodded biting my lip nervously.

            “Uh yeah, do you have them I don’t really want to know what happened last night let’s just forget about it and say it- “Woah Woah no we didn’t, no we didn’t… I don’t have your pants.” He stuttered trying to avoid eye contact, I looked at him confused.

            “What do you mean?” now I was confused, I just wanted to go home and pretend last night didn’t happen.

            “Me and you didn’t have sex.” He met my eyes and I was relieved but another wave of nervousness came over me, then who did I have sex with? Did I have sex? I remember being in bed with a guy, not this guy then who? Dang did I feel like a hoe…

            “Then… how… why am I here with no pants?”

            “enough about your stupid pants! You were naked with some guy who just kinda left, I opened the door thinking… you were… making noises so I thought someone was trying to like kill you or something and yeah he took off, I shut the door to yell at him but he was gone! And then I looked back at you and you were passed out, I put my shirt on you and took you here.”


            “What?” He asked confused again.

            “You brought me here you didn’t took me here.”

            “Grammar Nazi much?” he said laughing a little, I smiled with him.

            “So what’s your name my knight in shining armor?” I asked sarcastically, so I had sex… and I couldn’t remember it or with who!

            “Johnny Roads.”

            “You in high school?”

            “Of course, junior year is killer.”

            “Junior? I’m a sophomore.”

            “So do you know who that guy was?”

            “Uh… yeah.” I lied, okay so I just met this guy and really didn’t want to seem like a slut or anything so yeah I lied!

            “Kinda short you think? I mean another inch shorter and he’d be consider a midget, not that that’s a bad thing or anything just saying…” he trailed off meeting my eyes, making small talk, no pun intended.

            “Um yeah he looked taller when we-“your lying! See you don’t know who that guy was!”

            “Shut up!” I exclaimed blush covering my face.

            “Look I’m not judging you or anything, honestly I don’t even know who you are and it doesn’t matter- “Clutch Milligan, where was I when you brought me here?” I asked him.

            “Your Clutch… well you were at your party… look I didn’t know it was your party or I would’ve left you there well I would’ve… I don’t know you know got one of your friends or something. Well it’s nice to meet the all famous Clutch Milligan!” he bowed dramatically as I rolled my eyes.

            “So you go to my high school?”


            “Well it’s nice to meet you, officially.”

            “nice to know whose party I crashed.”

            “Figures, but hey thanks for crashing it…it would’ve been really embarrassing if any of my friends would’ve seen me like that.” I touched my forehead trying to get past the hangover.

            “You need any aspirins? You were pretty drunk.”

            “Yeah I’ll take a bottle please.” We both laughed.

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