Adam's next morning..

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Adam's still half asleep as he tries to roll over to the other side of the bed to get some cuddles in the early morning. He tried to find Sauli with his hands and gets confused when he doesn't feel him laying there. He opens his eyes and notices the bed's empty. How could he do this to him? Last night was going so well, but apparently he read the signs wrong. Again. He got up and checked his phone if he maybe had any voicemails or signs saying why he left. Sure, they were strangers that shared a great night together and normally he wouldn't have such a problem with them leaving in the morning. In fact, he mostly was the one leaving in the morning, not being in the mood for all the relationship bullshit. Always feeling used because he's getting famous now. But this was different. Sauli didn't even recognize his first big hit on the radio and he loved every part of that. Feeling like a normal unknown person again. There were no missed calls, messages or even the slightest sign of a note. Adam sighed and decided to get ready for the interview. As much as he wanted to cancel it today, he couldn't miss out on this interview because it took ages to get him on the show in the first place. Damn it. 

He put on as much makeup as he could possibly find to hide the fact that he just broke down on the toilet and finished his look with the iconic leather pants and one of the many extravagant jackets he owns. Anything that would distract everyone from noticing that he had a bad start of the day. And then he took off to the interview. 

(The interview is taking place. As they take a short break, Adam decides to call Sauli. If he would know why he left all of a sudden, maybe it would lighten his mood a little.)

Sauli: Hello? Who is this and how did you get my number?

Adam's heart dropped. He hadn't saved his number? Was it that meaningless?

Sauli: Hello?

Adam: It's clear now that you want nothing to do with me. I thought you were different. I'll stop bothering then.

Sauli: *quietly* please don't

Adam: Huh?

Sauli: Please don't stop bothering me

Adam: I have to get back to my interview, want to meet up at the same place as yesterday and talk it over?

Sauli: Sounds like a deal. 

Adam felt a little relieved and finished the interview. He stayed to sign some pictures of his face. Still odd to realize that they all wait in line for him, but he'd rather be at the restaurant already...

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