At the restaurant...

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Adam arrived at the restaurant, way earlier than they were supposed to meet. He had decided to go there right after the interview so he had time to make sure, that if someone recognized him, he could wrap it up quickly so they wouldn't interrupt the date. Or was it a date? He was not quite sure where this was headed, all he knew what that he was very nervous to hear what Sauli had to say about last night and he most certainly did not want to get his hopes up. Even though he probably is making another mistake, diving into a relationship with a foreigner... 

Sauli got off the bus that took him to the restaurant. He'd taken the bus, because he knew it wouldn't stop right in front of the restaurant. He wanted the confrontation to go more in his own pace. From a distance he saw Adam, he was wearing a cap and the collar of his coat up. Made him look very suspicious. But besides that he looked like a creep, Sauli recognized him right the second he got out of the bus and his heart started beating at an abnormal rate. 

Adam turned around and saw some blonde hairs peek up from the crowd. Soft and fluffy, just like he remembered. He walked towards Sauli and as they met, without saying a word, Adam held him so tight that in the back of his mind he feared he squeezed just a little too hard. When they let go again, Sauli looked him in the eyes and sincerely apologized. Adam could see that he struggled with this whole situation. 

Sauli: *being really nervous* ' I'm sorry that I left without saying anything.. I didn't want to make you feel bad. I just.. I normally don't do these things, you know? 

Adam: Let's go inside so we have some privacy, before we start talking about it okay?

(they walk inside and take their seats in the restaurant and they order something to drink.)

Sauli: I just need to know if you're mad at me. 

Adam: Look. I'm not mad okay? Not anymore at least. I think I just trusted too early this time. But that's okay. No hard feelings. *he smiled at Sauli*

Sauli: *looks down on the table, does he mean it's over now? He wanted to ask so many questions but he couldn't make a sound. Tears were welling up and he couldn't stop them.* Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom *he walked away without looking at him. What he'd give to start this over again..*

Adam didn't know what to do. He didn't want to seem pushy, Sauli obviously needed some time alone. Why was this so difficult? Was he being difficult himself or was it just not meant to be? He decided to also go to the bathroom to see what's up. He can't stand it when people are not honest and upfront with him. He sighed and walked to the bathroom.

As he walked in, he didn't see Sauli, nor did he hear anything... 

Sauli sat on the toilet, as he heard someone walk in he pulled up his feet so nobody would notice him being in there. He couldn't believe how he would embarras himself in front of Adam. He just wanted to go home.. 

Adam: *he sighed* Sauli? Are you in here?

Sauli: *not saying a word, getting nervous*

Adam: Hello? *mumbling to himself* I bet he walked out on me. 

Sauli: I didn't walk out on you, I'm still here. 

Adam: Then why don't you say anything? This is so confusing. We really need to talk can you come out of there? 

Sauli gets out of the stall and as Adam sees him he notices that he had been crying. 

Sauli: *sniffles* I-I-I... I like you a lot. I didn't mean to upset you. I just never stay over like that and I had to film my show and my friend was waiting and... and.. 

Adam: I like you too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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