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I lied down in the guest room staring at the ceiling. Do you ever get to the point where you start to cry. Not because your sad, but because your so fucking irritated that all you can do is cry. That's what was happening right now.

Music played through my earbuds as tears slid down my cheeks. Suddenly i felt the bed sink behind me making me up. But it was just Hayes.

"What?" I snapped while taking out my earbuds.

"I'm sorry." Hayes apologized. That's it?

I rolled my eyes and began to put my earbuds back in.

"Claudia, I'm serious. I really am sorry. I didn't want to hurt you at all." Hayes said as he wiped a tear that had rolled down my cheek. "Please look at me."

I struggled to look him in the eyes, but when i did he scanned them. "I promise to you i will never hurt you like that ever again."

Just as i was about to reply, the doorbell rang. My eyebrows furrowed and confusion washed over Hayes' face. Who would be here at 9pm?

Hayes got off the bed and i followed him. Hayes opened the front door.

"Mr. Bryans? What are you doing here?" I heard Hayes say.

"Where's my daughter at?" My dad say making my face twist.

My mom and my dad got divorced when i was 14. That's almost 4 years ago. I haven't seen my dad since that day. I never got a birthday card or a Christmas card or anything. So why was he here now?

Hayes stepped back as my dad came into full view.

"Claudia." My dad said. He hasn't changed in four years. Still the same deadbeat dad he was four years ago. "Pack your stuff we're leaving."

"What do you mean? Im not leaving." I scoffed as i stepped away from him.

"Yes you are. I am your legal guardian while your mom is in Australia, and she doesn't want you here." My dad spat making me roll my eyes.

"Fuck her-"

"With all do respect Mr. Bryans, i think Claudia should have the chose to where she wants to stay." Hayes backed me up. My dad didn't like Hayes and Hayes knew that.

"Well her mother doesn't want her staying here and frankly i don't want her here either." My dad said as he snatched my arm and dragged me out of the house.

I told y'all. He's a deadbeat dad. That's all he'll ever be.

Twins ~ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now