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*Your POV*

There was a party earlier. Something awfully great happened. Lei was just looking at them. Was he okay? Was he fine? I couldn't read his face.

After the party, I wanted to talk to him. I went to his room but he wasn't there. I saw Shancai out aswell. I wondered where she was going. So, I followed.

She was walking to Jing's room. I thought maybe I wasn't supposed to be here. i sighed and walked back to my room. I decided I could just talk to Lei tomorrow.

I bumped into someone. It was his friend. Daoming Si.

He said he was finding Shancai. I told him I was finding Lei.

"Isn't it coincidental that we're finding someone we like?" I mutter.

"Me? Like Shancai?*scoffs* Never." I chuckle at his lies.

I just nodded. "Wait, you like Lei?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah." I look down.

"You do know that He likes Jing." I nod.

"Be careful." He pats my back. I smile at him.

It's fine. I couldn't care less. As long as he's happy. I'm happy.

"We should go back. I escort you to your room." He smiles at me.

We were walking to my room which I was sharing with Meizuo. He was probably worried.

"Okay. I'll admit. You caught me. But I'm still not so sure. I'll hit you up if I'm very sure with it. Goodnight." I wave at him.

"Where have you been?" Meizuo opens the door and hugs me.

"I just went out for a walk." I pat his back as a signal for him to let go.

"I was worried sick." He faced me.

"Don't ever go out without my permission, got it?" He asks. I nod.

"I heard Ah-Si's voice. Were you with him?" He asks.

"Yeah. We just had a little talk." I smile.

"Meizuo, Y/N! We're having a little snack out here. Wanna join?" Ximen knocks on the door.

"Yeah, we're going." Meizuo opens the door.

"I didn't disturb something, did I?" I shook my head no and chuckled.

"Let's go!" We walked to the place and there were many people.

My eyes wandered off and stopped when I saw Lei was talking to Shancai. I sighed. I really have no chance with him.

"Hey, don't be so obvious." Daoming Si spoke.

"I'm mad aswell. But I'm not showing I'm affected, am I?" I shook my head no.

He smiles at me. "Eat?" He handed me.

I smile back. "Ei, Ah-Si! This is your first time being nice to a girl that is not Jing and your sister." Ximen teased.

"I treat her as my sister too." He puts his arms on my shoulder.

"Ah-Si, someone might get mad~" Who?

"Who might get mad?" Meizuo asks.

"Oh don't play dumb, bro." Ximen smirks at Meizuo.

"Shut up!" I smile at them.

"Oh, Ah-Si. When are you reconciling with Lei?" Meizuo asks.

Si went silent. "Why? What happened?" I ask.

"Dont't tell her, please." Meizuo says to Ximen.

"Why not? Le-hmmmphh!" Meizuo covered Ximen's mouth and smiled at me.

"She likes him, Ximen. Just don't." Even Si stopped him.

Oh, maybe it's a secret I can't know.

"I'll reconcile with him just don't tell her." Si walked to Lei who was playing the piano.

"So, little Ms. Y/N likes Lei?" Ximen asks as my eyes went big.


"Yes. She likes him very much." Meizuo says.

"Hey, stop teasing me." I complain.

" Don't worry we'll keep it as a secret."







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