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Your POV

We arrived at Paris. Lei was smiling. A lot. For some reason, I couldn't help but smile aswell.

I made this decision because I wanted him to be happy. I didn't want him to be sad. It's fine if I can't have my happiness. I'm happy as long he was.

When we got to the house. I didn't know my brother would be there.

"Ah, Ge(gege is older brother, search it up on how to read it on google :DD )! Why are you here? I thought you were in Korea?" I smile at him.

"Hello. I'm Huaze Lei. I'm her friend." You bow to him.

"Ah, the famous Lei of F4. What is your business with my sister?" I glare at my brother for not telling me he was here.

"You're finding Jing, aren't you? Well I know where she lives. She's a friend. But why at my house?"

"Minghao! Enough!" I exclaim.

"What? He should answer my question if he's stepping foot in my house."

"It's fine. I could answer. Yes, I'm finding Jing. Y/N asked me if I wanted to come here and I said yes. Your sister is a great person. Don't worry. I'm not like Si, Meizuo, and Ximen. I don't play with girls."

"Okay. When I find out that you break my sister's heart. I'll break your neck."


Hours later. Lei said he found Jing. I was happy for him. He said he wanted to live with her. I said it was fine. That I was happy for him. That I was happy for them. That I'm happy things are going well for him.

When you were gone it was lonely here. Minghao left to Korea, finally. Although, It was boring. I was left by myself. No one but me.






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