𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Your POV

"Lei, what would you do if someone else likes you?"I ask.

"Uhm, I'd tell them I like you." You smile.

"Really?" I blush.

"Yeah, you are the only one who can make me smile big." You mutter.

"You guys are cheesy as hell." Ximen gags.

"At least she likes me." You pulll your tongue out at Ximen.

"He changed. But I liked the old Lei better." Meizuo says.

"What about you?" They ask me.

"Of course I liked the old Lei. But I prefer this new version." I pinch your cheeks.

"Ugh, let's go Meizuo before I really puke." They walk away chuckling.

"Are we that cute?" You ask.

"Probably yeah." I smiled.


Si's POV

"What? Why was she asking that?" I ask to myself.

I saw Shancai looking at the two lovebirds.

She was hurt. She looked hurt. What was happening to her? I thought she was starting to like me?

"Hey, Shancai! Watch out!" I shout as she was about to bump into a professor. But she finally stopped and went away.

"Mei needs to know this."


Your POV

"What? No? Shancai likes you remember?" I chuckle.

"Well, clearly not." He frowns.

"Hey, hey, it's okay buddy. We'll help you." You comfort.

"Are you serious?" He smiles.







Sorry if it was too short✨

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