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Your POV

"What? That happened?" Si asks in disbelief.

"Yeah." I look down. I sighed. I shoud just probably leave.

"Ugh, Lei! He's hurting my sweet sister. He'll get a beating from me, Mei. Don't worry!" He started walking to our room. I thought he was joking.

"No, we should just go to beach. I should freshen up a bit. Hm?" I ask him.

"Fine! But I'll seriously talk to him later." He crossed his arms.

We started waking to the beach. It was beautiful at night. I couldn't just stay here and let myself break. So, I should just go home tomorrow. Isn't that for the best?

We saw two familiar bodies near the water. It was too familiar that I wanted to run away and just go out of this world. It was Lei. He was with Shancai.

Is it even possible to be more hurt than before? Because that's what I felt. I felt more hurt than I already was.

I looked at Ah-Si. He was so angry. He started walking to the both of them. He punched him. What Ah-Si did was right though. How could he do this?

I knew it. He was playing with me. He was just going to use me. He made me look stupid.

He saw me. He was about to walk to me but I ran away before he did.

"I should just leave." I went inside the room and started packing my things.

"Y/N, look it was a mistake!" I look at him.

"You don't have to explain. I don't have the right to know anything about you and your life." I say.

"Then where are you going?"

"None of your business." I walk away from him and went out the room.

"No, no. You can't leave?"

"Leave me alone, Lei! I don't want to get hurt AGAIN! So, just leave me alone!" I stormed off.

"Y/N, wait!"







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