Peaceful Sleeps

21 0 1

Written by fandomgirl98

Ronnie's POV:

We had been walking for ages just talking and getting to know each other better. But after a while, Alan became his questioning self. 

"How much longer? When will we be there? How is this taking so long?" I could see Alice getting frustrated with him and I couldn't help but laugh at her when she finally did snap. The look of complete fear on Alan's face made even Party laugh a little. He turned to look at me and gave me a look.

"I don't really see the difference in you two girls." He sighed. I snorted and shrugged. 

"You see Alan, I'm more 'think before acting' and Alice is more 'I'm going to stab you now'. Alice smiled widely at my explanation and nodded happily continuing forward. She said something else, but I couldn't hear. I felt something slip into my hand and I looked down to see fingers interlocked with mine.

My eyes roamed up the arm and I smiled up at Austin, he smiled at me happily and squeezed my hand gently. 

"You and Alice are very much alike aren't you?" He questions. I nod my head and my smile grows bigger as I move my eyes from his to the long stretch ahead of us.

"Yup!" I replied, popping the 'p' at the end of the word. "Growing up with people does that to you. When you spend enough time with people you pick up some of their quirks." I could feel his body vibrate with laughter beside me and I couldn't hold back the smile that crept onto my lips.

All of us fell into a comfortable silence for a little bit before the van filled with our other group members came flying down the road towards us. Kobra pulled up in front of Alan, Party, and Alice. Austin and I had been behind the group a little. I couldn't hear exactly what Kobra said but I caught the gist that we were almost at the Inn. 

Dr. D was only a few miles away, so was comfort. 

We continued walking for only God knows how long until we finally arrived at the Inn. When we walked into the front foyer we were met by the sight of everyone playing some sort of card game. Ginny slammed her cards onto the table and before I could even look at the cards she was up and running up the stairs, all of the boys following after her. 

I could hear them thundering around upstairs before Ginny came scurrying down the stairs, a silver spoon in hand. We stood for a minute and watched as, one by one, the boys came down the stairs in bundle, chasing after Ginny to get the spoon. Why are they trying to get a silver spoon you may ask? I have no fucking clue! 

We stood there watching the scene unfold before us. After a while I heard something behind us and I turned to see a man standing behind us. He had long shaggy hair that reached to about his shoulders. There was a bandana tied around his forehead and he was wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and some ripped jeans, paired with some combat boots. He was rocking a pair of 80's cop shades and easily pulled off the rocker look. 

"Welcome Crash Queens and Motorbabies!" He greeted. I could feel Alice jump beside me and jumped a little myself when she screamed out, falling to the ground.

"Jesus fucking Christ! We need to get you a bell or something!" I began to laugh and the second I did I just couldn't stop. The look on her face and her reaction just set me over the edge. I could feel that certain tightness in my stomach by the time I had recovered and helped her to her feet. 

I crossed my arms across my chest and gave him another look over. "So you must be Dr. D." He smirked down at me. Doesn't seem like much of a doctor. 

"The one and only." I smiled a little bit at how chill he seemed. He looked over to Party and said a few things before we all moved to the couches. Dr. D disappeared behind a door and I could hear him murmering while I proceeded to sit. There wasn't much room left on the couches so I moved over to Austin and sat down. My butt was wedged between his leg and the arm of the chair with my back leaning against the arm and my legs tossed across his lap. 

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