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Before Meghan and I break away from each other, I steal one last kiss on the lips. Then I kiss the tip of her nose before placing one final kiss on her forehead.

I back away before smiling at her and starting on our backpacks for the adventure tomorrow. We are staying here tonight and then traveling to our starting point at dawn. I glance up at the wall clock in the room. We have to meet everyone in the lobby this evening at 7PM. It's currently 4PM. Meghan and I have time to go grab dinner and maybe see the small town a bit before meeting the group.

As a Miami native, I've never experienced a lot of snow. This place is a bit of a culture shock. The town is small and covered in a blanket of snow and frost. The area reminds of a little Christmas village from some cheesy Hallmark film. It's currently about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but I bet the later it gets, the colder it gets. Oh joy. I'm glad we went out and bought clothes and camping gear just for this trip. We have matching blue parkas, mummy sleeping bags, and cold weather hiking boots. We didn't have to bring a tent, because the guide said he is bringing one large one. He mentioned that we will stay warmer in one all huddled together than in our own. It makes sense, but I'm on the fence about sleeping that close to strangers. That also means no marital time with my wife this whole trip. I guess it means we will have to get it all out of our systems tonight then...

A town named WinterWhere stories live. Discover now