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I lead Alex away arm in arm to find the other girls. They weren't hard to locate. Stephanie and Amy were having a snowball fight not far away from the town. They were having the time of their lives and looked so happy. It's not my place to tell them what happened to Alex so I won't. She can tell them if she wants. I wave at the two beautiful women playing in the snow.

"Amy! Stephanie! Can we hang with you?"

"Of course! What do you two want to do?"

It was Alex that talked now.

"Do you guys want to roam around the surrounding woods for a spell? Maybe we will find clues about why happened here?"

"Ohh! Sounds fun!"

The four of us explore around the woods for a couple hours. Nothing really stood out until we found a trail of blood. A smear of red was leading away from the town heading to an unknown location. It doesn't look fresh. Probably happened last night. Perhaps there are bears or large wolves hunting in this area after dark.

After our gruesome discovery, we retreated back to the town. The sun is going down and we do not want to be out here when the beasts that hunt at night are prowling. When we reach Winter Todd stops us.

"We are changing things up tonight. You girls will have the tent to yourselves. You can pitch it anywhere you want. The boys will go to the opposite end and sleep for the night. This gives us an opportunity to not be as cramped tonight and be able to spread out more in our sleep."

Amy appeared to be pleased by this. She didn't know the real reason, but is looking forward to more elbow room in the tent. We find a large house with intact windows and a working door and deem it suitable. The space is large enough to push the furniture to the walls and set up the tent. We will be much warmer tonight with the added coverage. The boys found a similar home on the furthest point away from our camp. They set up their sleeping bags along the floor with Ryan blocked in away from the door.

When the last ray of light was gone from the sky, the men and women parted to head to their separate sleeping quarters for the night.

A town named WinterWhere stories live. Discover now