Chapter 6: Entering the hive

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Back in the forest, Sakura and her team walk through the forest, looking for ways to find Naruto. They're all still pretty upset of what happened to him. And they're furious at Sai. It was his fault that Naruto became what he is now. 

Hinata: (Sobs) It's my fault. If only I was watching him. 

Sakura: Hinata, no. Don't blame yourself. We all didn't know what Sai was going to do with Naruto. Besides, now we know where he is. 

Ino: But how are we going to find him? We know he's here, but where at? 

Tenten: Wait. Look! (Points at the ground) Drag marks. 

They all look at the ground and they see the drag marks, meaning someone's been dragged away. They all nod and follow the trail. They follow it for two miles and they find some blood on leaves. Sakura's eyes widen and she walks further. The others follow her. As they do, they all smell something horrible. 

Kurenai: Eww. Something smells rotten. 

Then they see blood dripping from above. They all look up and they see a dead woman's body. 

Shizune: Oh, Kami...

Sakura: Do you recognize her?

They all look at her and they see she's the woman from the camera. They look at her wound and sees she has a hole in her chest.

Shizune: What happened to her?

Ino: It looks like one of those animals stabbed her with its tail. 

Tenten: (Looks at the wound) No. It looks like something burst out of her. 

Hanabi: Hey, look what's under her. 

They all look and see an egg. And a dead facehugger. Sakura kneels down and looks at them. 

Sakura: Looks like this egg is one of theirs. And this dead thing...I don't know what it is. 

Hinata looks at it and sees something sticking out of it. A tube. 

Hinata: I think this thing had the baby animal in it. 

She looks at the dead woman's face and sees something was wrapped on it. She looks back at the facehugger. 

Hinata: Oh, Kami. This thing was on her face and it put the baby in her. And it dug its way out through her chest or her stomach or something. (Looks away to avoid throwing up)

Ino: Oh, poor woman. 

Tenten: Why would Naruto be with these things?

Sakura: Probably because he thinks he's one of them.

Then they all hear hissing. They all jump in fright and look around. 

Kurenai: They're here. They know we're here. 

Sakura: Stand strong. And don't wander off. 

They nod and move around slowly. Hinata looks around. The bushes and leaves move, but she can't see anything. 

Hinata: I can't see them. 

Ino: I don't see anything either. 

Kurenai: Remember, they're smart. They know how to hunt and stalk. 

Just Ino has her back turned from a bush, a Xenomorph comes out and it grabs her. She screams as it pulls her through the bush. Everyone looks.

Sakura: Ino!

Then more of them come out and grab a hold of the girls. They all scream and struggle to get out of their grip. The Xenomorphs bring them to the hive. The girls look around and they see the hive is like an insect nest. Then, they are brought to the queen's chamber. Their eyes widen as they see the queen. 

Sakura: Oh, Kami...

Hinata: That must be their queen...

The queen raises her head and looks at them. It hisses at them. They all gasp as she stares at them. Just then, a familiar voice yells out.

Naruto: Your highness, wait! Stop!

The girls gasp as they turn to see. Naruto comes running into the chamber with Six behind him. He sees the girls and his eyes widen. 

Naruto: Girls?!

All: Naruto-Kun?!

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