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We arrive at the Jimmy Fallon studio and get into outfits. I decided to wear a floral dress that my dad packed for me before I left:

I get into the dress and get out of the change room and wait for the others

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I get into the dress and get out of the change room and wait for the others. Finn comes out in his cute suit and does a little twirl. "Cute!" I exclaimed to him and he gushes. I laugh and put my hair up into two space buns:

 I laugh and put my hair up into two space buns:

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And i decide to put a little bit of makeup on. I put mascara and eye liner. I do a small bit of eye shadow that was a pinkish purple colour. I see Finn staring at me. I turn to him. "Want your make up done?" I laugh.

"Sure!" Finn exclaims. I get taken back a bit. I motion him to come closer and sit down in front of a mirror.

"Okay, what do you want?" I ask. He tells me what he wants done and I do it. I match colours with his suit and I decide to put his hair up into pigtails. Once I finished I realized that everyone was watching and that they came out of their dressing rooms. I turn and see that Sadie, Noah, Millie and Gaten were filming it all and I blush. "Oh, hi?"

Millie smiles and moves her phone down. I see that she was on instagram but knowing Millie, she probably was on snapchat earlier.

"Hey, Liana, could you do my makeup?" Sadie asked and I nodded. I look at her outfit and think of an image to do. I manage to get what I want onto her face and I look at her hair. I think of what her hair should be. I put it up and a messy bun and then soon enough (after 20) minutes I did everyone else's makeup and hair. I got Gaten into little ponytails all over his head. I had millie into a half-bun. And Caleb just had makeup. I put Noah in makeup and I got hairspray and put his hair into a mohawk.

"And lets welcome to the area the cast of Stranger Things!" We hear Jimmy call. I go out first and then Finn followed along with everyone else. I sit in the seat next to Jimmy's desk and Finn sits next to me while everyone else sits on the bigger couch. "So," Jimmy looks at the cast and smiles. "Nice hair styles.. especially you Finn and Noah."

"Oh, yeah." Finn laughs. "Liana did it. She also did our makeup and stuff like that." He looks at me with a look I have never really seen before.

"Yeah, I was doing my makeup and then I did my hair and I saw Finn watching with interest and I asked, expecting him to say no and then he said yes. So i did his hair and makeup and then Sadie asked and soon enough I did everyone's hair and makeup except Caleb's because his hair is so short." I laugh at the end. Finn leans back in the couch and leans into me. I quickly look at him then look back at Jimmy. I noticed that Jimmy had his eyes narrowed at the both of us.

"Is... is there some chemistry going on between you two?" He jokes. My eyes widen and Finn sits up.

"Um, no." We both say at the same time.

"Hmm hmm." Jimmy laughs. "Okay anyways. We are doing a newish game." He get up. "Every body up!" We all follow Jimmy to the floor thingy beside his desk. There is a table with chairs around it. "So, we did this a while ago," he looks at Gaten, Caleb, Finn, and Millie.

"Oh! The string one?" Fin asked and Jimmy nodded. "Oooooh! I loved that one."

"So, knowing that Noah, and Sadie haven't done it but you guys know each other quite well. This is kind of mainly for Liana as she doesn't really know much about you guys." Jimmy looks at me and my head ducks a bit. "We will write little secrets about us, ones you guys don't know about, and then lets get to the game."

"How many?" I ask. Jimmy thinks.

"Lets say as many as you can so then you guys have to guess, someone can even put in none." Jimmy laughs and we sit down at the table and start writing my secrets. Once we were all done, we reach under the table to sillystrings. I had the colour purple. We start. Jimmy starts by grabbing one and reading it out loud.

"I once broke my foot falling down stairs..." He looks around, we get our silly string ready. "One, two, three.. shoot!" I aim at Sadie while Finn goes for me along with Caleb, Noah and Millie. Gaten shoots Finn with silly string while Sadie shoots Jimmy. "Okay, who was it?"

I stand up. "It was me." They all laugh.

"How did you break your foot, falling down stairs?!" Sadie giggles.

"It was at school and I... I was walking down the steps to go to gym because I was a bit late helping my principal and there was a pencil on the step and I guess I didn't see it and stepped on it and then I fell down the stairs and my foot hurt to stand up so yeah. That's the story on how i broke my foot." I explain everything.

"Okay, next one," Jimmy looks to his left.

[after the show]

"Wow, i didn't realize you had a fear of dogs and walruses." Finn nudges me. I blush and look down, nodding.

"That was fun," Sadie exclaimed. "No one guessed the one i put in! Well, I only put one in so..." She laughs.

"I forgot something outside, I just realized, I hope no one took it," I say, Finn looks at me.

"I'll come with." He says and I go to the back door, as soon as I opened it flashes went off.

"Oh, right. Those people." I whisper to Finn and we both laugh. I look around for my art book that I accidentally dropped. I find it wedged into a part between walls. "Finn, I might need help with that." I point to where it is and Finn moves and attempts to get it out.

"Liana!" Someone yelled and I look around. "This way! Pose for us. Please!"

People were yelling at me for interviews or photos or autographs.

"Liana! I got it. Lets go." Finn says holding it up and coming towards me. We go back into the place and Finn places his arm around my waist steering me in.

My heart flutters. Finn just- he just.. i cant think straight!

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