New Patient

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I hopped out of my car and proceeded through the gates of my wildlife foundation, as I made my way to the Panthers I was greeted by several of my workers.

"Good morning, Y/N." Hercules greeted, John walked over with a broad grin. "The lions are doing swell! A new litter of cubs is expected on the 27th." John explained. I nodded and waved him off, I gestured with two fingers for Hercules to follow. "Walk with me." I ordered. He didn't hesitate and immediately caught up.

"One of our Panthers hasn't been eating, Sarabi, I believe. Any possible causes?" I questioned. He paused for a moment, glancing at his clipboard before turning to me. "Yes. She could be sick, or, one of the others is taking her food." Hercules explained, I nodded and wrote something down. "That is all. You're dismissed." I muttered, he hurried off to the wolves as I approached the edge of the fence.

I found Sarabi panting as she laid on her side, I entered the fenced off area and shut the gate behind me. I then made my way to the young female and squatted down, letting a hand run down her side. Sarabi let out a small groan.

I noticed a small pool by her muzzle so I inspected it. Puke. I grabbed my walkie-talkie and pulled it out, "John. Get me a bowl of water and help me bring Sarabi in." I barked. "On it." His southern voice replied before I heard static. She's been dry heaving resulting in her throwing up her meals.

Moments later John came rushing through the gate with a mat, he bent down and helped me put the sleek mammal on the stretcher before we carried her off.

:-: :-:

Thomas' POV

"...I'd rather not." I yawned boredly, an unamused look crossing my face. I fiddled with my thumbs as the Doctor sighed with frustration. (Keep in mind, Thomas doesn't have the jacket yet.) "Just answer the question, damnit! Did you kill someone or not?!" They exclaimed.

I watched as their pencil dropped from their fingers and onto the table. "You wanna see a magic trick?" I smirked, continuing to stare at my hands. "If it will get you to talk, Why the hell not.." they muttered.

I let out a faint hum and stood up, grabbing the pencil and jabbing it into the table. I made sure the led was facing up towards the ceiling. I swirled my hands around the tops of it, licking my dry lips—damn, I haven't had water in awhile..

"I'm going to make this pencil... disappear~" I claimed, the Doctor arched a brow and let out a shriek as I grabbed the back of his head, slamming his forehead down onto the pencil and killing him. "Ta-da~" His body went limp as it slid off the table, bringing the pencil with it.

I snickered and sat back down in my chair, popping my legs up on the desk. My hands held the back of my head as I hummed a small tune. I heard banging on the door, "Hey! Your time's up!" A rough voice shouted. "Dr. Lee?" The voice questioned, I stood up and skipped over to said door.

I peeked through the bars and smirked. "I'm sorry. It seems Dr. Lee can't come to the door right now~" I stepped aside and allowed the guard full view of the scene. The man gasped and called for backup as I walked back to my chair, sitting down once more.

This should be fun..

:-: :-:


I finally got Sarabi to drink some water and smiled in relief, I checked the time. "Shit." I cursed silently to myself, my phone buzzed and I answered. "Dr. L/N, we've assigned you a new patient. So far he's the worst we've had and no other Doctor can get to him, we're hoping you can." Peggy explained. "Alright, I'll be there soon." I hung up and turned back to John.

"I've gotta get to the institution, you keep things runnin' while I'm gone, would ya'?" I asked, John nodded in understanding and continued with his work.

I rushed out and into my car, driving off.

:-: :-:

When o arrived at the institution I entered quickly and quietly, walking down at the hall silently. I held a clipboard close to my chest as I turned to the left, entering a room.

I found a man sitting in a chair. He had a fro and was wearing a straight jacket. His head was hung as he muttered something incoherently, breathing softly. I stared at the man in confusion, he seemed like very other patient I've had.

When I sat down across from him his head perked up to reveal some beautiful brown eyes, his Carmel skin and neatly trimmed beard complimented him well

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When I sat down across from him his head perked up to reveal some beautiful brown eyes, his Carmel skin and neatly trimmed beard complimented him well. I swallowed a lump in my throat and revised the information about him I was given.

"I'm Dr. L/N and I'll be your new Doctor. Now, from what I've heard, your last Doctor quit. Yes?" I questioned, he smirked devilishly. "Why hello darlin'~" he purred before answering. "You could say that.." he trailed off, rolling his shoulders as best he could in the jacket.

"Such a bore, Dr. Lee was." He claimed, locking eyes with me. "I see. Well then, what's your name?" I asked calmly. "Thomas Jefferson, love~ But, you can call me Daddy." He winked, I held back a scoff of disgust as I was used to this by now.

"Would you prefer it if I called you Thomas or Mr. Jefferson?" I asked simply. "Call me Thomas." He leaned back, glancing around. "Alright. I don't want this to seem as if I'm talking at you, as I prefer to get to know my patients in a personal level, make it less awkward. You may call me Y/N if it makes you feel more comfortable." I explained.

Thomas nodded. I noticed his lips looking rather dry, "Thirsty?" I arched a brow. "Indeed. I haven't had water in days.." he muttered. What are these bastards thinking, they need their patients alive or they'll be shut down!

I nodded and got up, walking out and running into Dr. Schuyler. "Ah, 'Liza, dear. How are you?" I greeted as I made my way to the water jug. She grinned, "I'm doing swell. Heard you were assigned to Mr. Jefferson?" She stated. I nodded and pulled the cup away from the jug, "I was. Now, I've got a patient to attend to." I mumbled and approached the room again.

I scanned my ID card and entered the dark room, sitting back down across from him. I held the cup to his lips and he gladly downed the water. When he was finished I simply set it back on the table.

"Thanks, Y/N." He grinned shortly before it turned into a scowl. Confused, I turned and saw Dr. Washington. "Your time is up. You may come back tomorrow, Dr. L/N." He said deeply, I nodded and gathered my things.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Thomas." "I look forward to it~" he flirted. I rolled my eyes and continued out with Washington. I still couldn't place my finger on what was so bad about him.

(DISCONTINUED) I Remember When I Lost My Mind {*~Thomas Jeff. x Reader~*} ModernWhere stories live. Discover now