The Abuse

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"In conclusion—" I cut the women off with a yawn. "I've heard enough. Get out of my sight, I'm dying of boredom." I hissed. "W-What?" She stared at me in shock. I raised a brow as my lips formed into a grimace. "Did. I. Stutter?" I seethed, she shook her head quickly and averted her gaze. She packed up her things and left quickly, hiding her face in embarrassment.

"You didn't need to be so brash about it." Hercules grumbled. "I simply gave the truth." I scoffed. He sighed, "I swear you're secretly related to Simon Cowel." Hercules huffed, I rolled my eyes and began to sketch boredly.

"She was a bloody nuisance and giving me a headache, it's not my problem." I muttered as I stood from my chair, grabbing my bag and walking out of the conference room.

Hercules chuckled and followed me out, "Would you like to come to the institution with me?" I offered as I began to walk out of the building and into the blazing heat. "Why not?" He shrugged and padded after me.

I smiled and nod, sitting down in my car. Hercules got in beside me and set his ting sin the back, I did the same to my things as well.

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Thomas' POV

I laid balled up on the floor, laughing hysterically as tears from being kicked so hard, fell. The guards grumbled something, "This prick is never any fun to beat up..." one of them muttered, I heard a few other whispers.

I sat up still laughing as I spat some blood at one of their faces, they gasped and grabbed me by the throat, holding me up. "Don't you dare disrespect—" he was about to punch me when Y/N entered with a man, pulling him off me.

I fell back down to the floor coughing as I let out broken laughs. "He's a patient here!" She hissed and shoved them all out the door. She bent down to me and reached out to examine a few wounds and bruises. I flinched and retracted from her reach.

"Thomas, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help you." She murmured softly, crawling over to me cautiously. She extended her hand once more and I allowed her to caress my bruised cheek, I glanced up at her and she gasped at the sight of my bleeding lip and black eye.

"What have they done to you?" She whispered. Blood dropped onto the floor below us as I shifted my gaze to the spot, frowning slightly. "Thomas... let me see, again, please." She cooed, I sighed and looked up at her, still teary-eyed.

"I'm fine. I'm used to it." I muttered coldly. "Thomas this isn't right." Y/N stated with a harsh huff. "I don't exactly get a say!" I hissed and stood up, walking over to a corner and sitting down as I hugged my knees. "Just leave me alone." I mumbled, glancing off to the side.

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I stared at Thomas in dismay, "Just leave me alone." He said flatly, looking askance. "Thomas you know I can't do that." I reasoned and approached the poofy-haired man. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, part of his lip perking up in an unamused manner.

I squatted down again, "Do you wanna two about it?" I asked gently. His deep chocolate eyes locked with mine for a split second, "No." he growled. "I can't help you if you don't help yourself, Thomas." I explained with a sigh. "Maybe I don't want your help!" He hissed.

"Thomas, I know it hurts. And I know you're hurting. But if you ever want to get out of this abusive place, you need to talk." "I've spent half my life here, I'm pretty sure I can handle a whole life here!" Thomas barked.

"Thomas, please." I begged. I noticed a few tears roll down his cheeks as he shifted his attention to me, "Fine." He gave in. I grinned shortly and helped him up and over to the table.

"Tell me when the abuse began, alright?" I asked. He nodded and swallowed thickly before his lips parted to form words.

~*Flashback brought to you by, ya boi- skinny penis*~

Thomas ran out of the building in worry until he ran into someone. Another guard. The teen yelled and scrambled to get away, but the man grabbed his arm and dragged him back inside.

"No! Please! I just wanna go home!" Thomas pleaded, the man just chuckled deeply. "Kid, you have no home." He sneered and tossed him in a dark, cold room. Thomas shivers and curled into a ball, sobbing softly.

"I d-do have a home.. som-somewhere our there." Thomas whispered to himself. His head shot up when the door opened, his usual guard was here... he had a whip and knife. "Which one should I use?" The man taunted.

Thomas shuddered and didn't speak, knowing he doesn't have a choice. "Hmm~ Let's go with the knife this time." He flashed a twisted grin and grabbed Thomas by the arm, yanking his wrist towards him and agonizingly slow dug the knife into his arm.

Hot tears began to flood his cheeks again. "S-Stop! It-It hurts!" Thomas cried. "This is how we build up resistance—" someone knocked the man over, Dr. Lee. "What is wrong with you?! He's just a boy!" Thomas collapsed to his knees and began to sob again, his body shaking.

"This bitch broke three guards arms!" The man spat and stood up, dusting himself off. He scoffed and left as Dr. Lee turned to Thomas, gently helping the shaking  boy up. "I-I'm not a bitch.." Thomas whispered unevenly with ragged breaths.

"I know.." Lee murmured and sat Thomas on his bed. He began to stitch up his arm and examined a few open wounds he'd got from crawling under the barbed wire fence.

~*Flashback over*~

I stared at Thomas in horror before gulping down a lump in my throat as I nodded. "Do you still have the scars?" I asked warily. He nodded, "Indeed I do." He mumbeld, cursing silently under his breath as he looked away.

"May I see them?" I asked hesitantly. "Alright." He rolled up his sleeves to reveal scarred, toned arms. I gasped at the sight and ran a hand over a few of his scars. "Thomas, I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I mumbled.

He pulled his arms away and rolled his sleeves back down. "Don't be." He said simply. "They've made me strong and shown I really do have no hope out in the real world." He growled. "I see, well, I must be going." I murmured and bid him goodbye, dragging a Herc out with me.

(DISCONTINUED) I Remember When I Lost My Mind {*~Thomas Jeff. x Reader~*} ModernWhere stories live. Discover now