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(Requested by: freedomgirl321 )

You had just pulled a cake and pie out of the oven. They both sat on the window sill to cool so later you could frost the cake. You then went at sat in the living room turning on the tv.


"I'm so hungry!" Goku sighed in frustration. He was starving but Being the giant oaf he was Goku couldn't cook. Not in the slightest.

Goku finally giving up on looking through the fridge left in search of food. He flew low to the ground keeping his sense of smell sharp. If there was food he would find it.

A little while went by and Goku was about to give up on finding any food when a warm sweet smell hit his nose. Looking around he saw a small cabin next to a pond. In one of the windows he spotted pie and cake.

He flew down and took in the smell before devouring the sweets.

Your POV:

You had just finished your favorite show and thought it was about time to check the pie and cake.

You stood up and walked to the kitchen only to stop dead in your tracks. There sat a man eating your cake. You saw he had already finished the pie.

You rushed over and grabbed a cast iron pan. The man took no notice of you as he kept eating the cake.

You ran at him and knocked him over the head with the pan.

"OW!" He whined as he rubbed his head. "Why'd you do that?!" He turned to look at you.

"Get out of my house!" You yelled about to bring the pan down on him again only for him to grab the pan stopping you.

"Calm down! I'm sorry!" He took the pan from your grasp.

"I don't need that to take you down!" You yelled getting in a fighting pose. You threw a fist at him only to feel pain pulsing through your hand. Yes, you had punched him but it felt like punching a brick wall.

"Hey Calm down! I'll make it up to you!" He stopped for a moment in deep thought on how to possibly make up for eating all your hard work. "I've got it! I'll take you for a ride on my nimbus!"

Your mind had automatically gone to some seriously wrong thoughts. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"What? You won't want a ride?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Of course I don't want a ride on your nimbus you perverted freak!" You yelled holding your still thriving hand.

Realization hit Goku like a frying pan. He blushed and frantically thought of how to explains what a nimbus was. "That's not what I meant! I'll show you!"

"You won't be showing me anything!" Despite what you said he grabbed your wrist and drug you out the front door.

"Just watch. Nimbus!" He yelled into the sky.

"Great now the crazy man is yelling into the sky." You mumble thinking of where the last place you had your phone was.

Before you could run there was a gust of wind and a flash of yellow. There floating in front of you was a yellow cloud.

"What the fu-" you were cut off by Goku.

"This is my nimbus." He said gesturing towards it like a game show lady.

"What the hell is it?!" Your instincts told you to run and grab the gun you had hiding in your dresser but your curiosity got the best of you.

"Well, it's a cloud you can sit on and it flys." He said more a question then an answer.

"Oh! So that's what you meant!" You mentally slapped yourself.

"So, do you want to? Go on a ride I mean?" He asked almost nervous.

You thought for a moment. So it's either stay here at my house with my phone and gun, or go with a strange man on a ride through the sky.

Ride it is! "Sure why not." You replied.

He gave an unusually large smile and sat on the nimbus his legs criss cross.

Him being a large man and the nimbus not being very big there was only one place for you to sit.

His lap.

You took a deep breath and mentally rooted yourself on.

Come on Y/n don't be a little bitch now!

You made your way up onto his lap a blushing mess. Though you had to admit it was quite comfortable.

"You'd better hold on!" Before you could comprehend his words the cloud flew off into the sky.

You held onto the fabric of his pants in attempt to keep yourself from falling. You closed your eyes from the stinging of the wind. Soon the wind died down and you realized that you had slowed down.

You cautiously opened your eyes to be greeted with the sight of lush Greenland as far as the eye could see and a few towns dotted here and there.

"Wow." You gasped at the beauty.

"It's awesome isn't it?" Goku asked. You stiffened as you realized how close he to you. You could feel the breath from his words on your ear.

After a while of him flying you around a showing you different things he took you home.

"That was awesome!" you exclaimed your previous moment of anger forgotten. Noticing how late it was Goku began to say a farewell.

"I should get home it's getting late. I'll see you around." He was about to sit on his nimbus when you stopped him.

"Wait!" You quickly ran inside and came out with a piece of paper. "Here's my number! Since you liked that pie and cake so much, maybe I could make you a full course meal next time." You joked.

"Um, sure!" He blushed as he took the paper from you.

You both said your goodbyes and he left. Little did you know that the next few years would be filled Cooking and Goku.

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