Beerus x reader (betrothed)

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(A/n so this is a bit of a weird one for reader x character one shot but I personally loved this idea and went ahead with writing it.)

Bulma has just invited you to her house and you were on your way now flying through the sky.

As you flew towards bulmas house you thought about the new guests she had mentioned. You wondered what they were like.

As bulmas house came into view you slowed own and landed at her front door. You nocked and the door opened.

"Hey Y/n!" Bulma greeted you.

"Hey." You say as she shoves you through the door. She stops in the living room.

"So, about the guests. One of them you might want to avoid. He's a little touchy. But the other one is super nice." You were confused by this. Who would Bulma invite that's so "touchy"? Other than vegeta of course.

"Ok." You reply hesitantly.

"Now that we've got that out of the way, let's go." She grabbed your hand pulling you to the backyard. You noticed Goku, and vegeta sitting at a table with two other people.

As you saw who they were sitting with you lit up. "Beerus!" You called waving your hand.

He turned you direction and his I couldn't give less fucks face turned to a happy one.

"Y/n!" He shot up and ran to you pushing Bulma away.

"How've you been?" You asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Vegeta asked dumbfounded at seeing beerus be so friendly with you.

"Yeah seriously? I didn't know they knew each other." Bulma said with confusion written on her face.

"Oh, neither of them has told you?" Whis asked shocked to see everyone so confused.

"Told us what?" Goku asked.

"Well before you met Y/n she lived on another planet with a similar race to humans." You and beerus chatted not paying any attention to the conversation. "When beerus has visited her planet he was going to destroy it, until the ruler of her planet made an offer."

Everyone was so transfixed on what whis was saying they had totally forgotten about you and beerus.

"What kind of offer?" Bulma asked. Shock was written on her face at the fact that you weren't even from earth.

"He asked beerus to take his daughters hand in marriage as a peace offering. Y/n was that daughter." Whis finished.

"They're married?!" Bulma blurted out in utter confusion.

"Well not technically." You spoke up. "We're kind of just engaged really."

"That's awesome! I think." Goku said while still looking heavily confused.

"How can you be engaged, but never see each other?" Vegeta asked.

"Oh I visit beerus all the time. I just never told you guys when I would leave." You explained.

Everyone went on to asking questions and you and beerus would answer.

(A/n I know it's super short and really weird but I just felt I had to get this out. Because this scenario would not leave my mind.)

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