Vegeta x (godess) reader

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"Whis." I call to the angel.

"Yes miss." He replies turning to look at me.

"Just how long is it until we're there?" I ask irritation flowing in my words. We'd been traveling for nearly two days and I was getting bored of it.

"My, my, impatient are we?" He smirks with a slight chuckle. I scowl at his words.

"Whis." I say in a threatening tone as the hand I have placed on his back twitches with irritation. Though I know I can do nothing about his arrogance.

"Your no fun anymore, since you locked yourself away on your planet and all." He looks back at me with narrowed eyes.

"I've seen no reason to leave so lets leave it at that. Now how long until we get there?" I glare back at him.

"One hour." He replies bluntly.

~on earth~

"So who's this special guest? Is it someone strong?" Goku asks bulma intrigued.

"How should I know I've never even met them." Bulma snapped back making Goku flinch. "Whis just said he was bringing a special guest. That's all." Goku seeming unsatisfied with the answer just nodded.

"You don't even know their name?" Vegeta spoke from the side. Irritation at his ex wife surged trough him.

"How should I? I didnt have a chance to ask Whis before he hung up!" Bulma said raising her voice. The rest of the gang sat around restlessly awaiting this new person.

Though the moment of apprehension was soon gone when a powerful energy suddenly appeared. Everyone looked that direction only to see Whis.

"Yo Whis! Who's the new guest?" Goku asked waving his hand high in the air. Whis landed in front of him and stepped aside. To Gokus surprise there sat a small woman.

"Let me introduce (Y/n) the godess of the solar system." He spoke. All she does is and there and stare at each individual with judging eyes. Whis notices this and elbows her. It seems as if she jolts awake.

"Oh right. Hello nice to meet you." She says in a monotone voice.

"Please forgive her rudeness. She hasn't been around -" Whis is cut of by Goku.

"So your the new person! Gotta say I'm a little shocked your a girl." He holds out a hand to shake. She glances down at his hand and back up to him. "Its a hand shake-"

"I know full well what it is kakarot." She speaks aggressively. Goku is shocked at her use of name.

"Hey! How do you know my name?" He scratches the back of his neck in confusion.

"I know who you are. I know who everyone here is." She points at Goku. "Kakarot goes by Goku was sent to earth when planet vegeta was destroyed to be raised by Gohan and trained by master Roshi." Her finger moves from him to vegeta. "King vegeta goes by prince vegeta just so happened to be away from planet vegeta the day of its destruction. Defeated many times by kakarot now lives to train to be stronger than kakarot." She finishes as anger is evident in vegetas face. She moves he finger to Piccolo. "Piccolo Jr was born on earth by king Piccolo. Once a sworn enemy of kakarot now one of his greatest allies-"

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