Vegeta x (broken) reader

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(A/n this one shot deals with some deep stuff so if it could affect you in any way discretion is advised. Also you are a saiyan with your tail in this one shot.)

You cover your mouth with your hand as the gas spreads. Your leaning over vegeta trying to shake him awake. "Vegeta!" You call but he doesn't move. Tears sting your eyes as you imagine the worst. Before you can begin to cry and hand grabs the back of your shirt.

"Why don't we take ourselves a prize." You hear black behind you. You try to get up and run but he wraps an arm around you trapping your arms to your sides.

"Let me go!" You scream as he begins flying. Fear runs through your veins knowing they were going to kill you. You would never see vegeta again.

That was a few days ago. For some odd reason black and Zamasu, who you learned where the same person, had kept you alive. Something about watching the saiyans squirm. That was their reason. You hadn't eaten, you hadn't slept. Except for the time black knocked you out to stop you from screaming. Your head still pounded. Black in those days had done unspeakable things to you. Things you never wanted to think about again but were forever scorched into your mind. He beat you and played with you like a doll. He touched your body as he pleased. Much longer of this and you would lose your mind. You felt you were already losing yourself. The light in your eyes was gone. The will to live barely hung on. The only thing that kept you going was the thought that maybe vegeta had made it out alive. You hoped with your whole heart that he was coming for you. But slowly that hope was sizzling out. When black entered the room this time you barely looked up. You didn't even flinch when he roughly grabbed your hair to make you look at him.

"We've got some visitors." He untied you from the chair you were in. He made you stand and shoved you out the door. Every movement hurt. Like your body could shatter at any moment. When he shoved you, you didn't even try to catch yourself. You let your body fall with a thud on the hard floor. No matter how long you had left, you would make it hard for black. He cursed under his breath as he picked you up wrapping his arm around your waist.

After a while of flying you black and zamasu landed on the roof of a falling apart building. Black made you stand as he pinned your arms to your side and brought his blade to your neck. It hit you. This was it. He was going to kill you, finally. You closed your eyes ready for death but it never came. You opened your eyes when you felt three very familiar energy's heading your way. Tears stung your eyes as you realized one of them was vegetas. He was alive. Though you wouldn't let yourself believe it yet. You wanted to see him with your own eyes. As the energy's got closer you saw three figures in the distance. When the got close they stopped. Your heart beat quickened as you saw him. Vegeta. He was there and alive. His eyes widened as he saw you in blacks grip.

"Veget-" you tried to call out but blacks blade came closer to the skin on your neck burning the flesh there.

~to lazy to write battle scenes time skip~

Vegeta held onto you tight as he held onto the leg of the time machine. You held onto him with all your strength now wanting to let him go.

"A world like this must disappear." You heard Zen-oh sama speak just before it all vanished. You closed your eyes and when you opened them again you were back in present time. Vegeta dropped down from the time machine with you in his arms.

~another time skip yay~

It was the next day and you and vegeta where in your home. You read a book as you sat in his lap. He had his arms wrapped tightly around you as if you would be stolen away again. You hadn't felt the same since you got back. Sure you were home and you were with vegeta. But something inside of you was different. You couldn't seem to smile genuinely any more. Vegeta has noticed this in the 24 hours you had been together. He could see your eyes were dull and lifeless. You flinched when he touched you. You would brush it off as still being jumpy but he knew better. There was something you weren't telling him and he knew it.

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