Vegeta x (daughter) reader

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You stood in the gravity chamber barely able to stand. Though you kept moving. Dodging shots from here and there. Motivation to be the best you could kept you going.

Your father, vegeta stood at the side studying your movements. Everything you did he was watching. You bounced around the room as fast as you could. You reached one of the bots shooting at you and took it out in a single hit.

Before you could get to the next one a shot came at you and you blocked it. It burned your arms leaving them red but you kept going. You reached the next bot and destroyed it.

"Faster!" Your father ordered from the side. You were aggravated slightly but kept going. The bots began to get faster at shooting. You went super saiyan now going faster. You destroyed bot after bot until they were all gone.

You sat down on the floor powering down. You were covered in sweat and could barely catch your breath. "So better than last time?" You asked huffing.

"A little. But you could still be doing better. Next time have more of a strategy instead of bouncing around like a damned rabbit." This comment made you mad. You'd pushed yourself passed your limit and he still found something wrong about what you were doing.

"Are you serious? I went super saiyan for God's sake. Is that still not good enough for you?" You snapped at him. He looked shocked and mad all in the same moment.

"Don't blame me for you needing to go super saiyan in the first place. If you were strong enough you wouldn't have to."

"How the hell does that even work?! You get stronger when you go super saiyan! Can I do nothing right to you?" You were done talking and left the gravity chamber and outside to see Goku with Gohan and chi-chi at the front door.

That's it! I'll challenge Goku and then maybe just maybe he'll actually be proud of me!

"Hey Goku!" You called to him. He turned to you.

"Oh hey Y/n. What's up?" He asked.

"I challenge you to a fight." You say confidence rolling of your tongue.

"Huh? Sorry Y/n not right now." He says while chi-chi glares at him with daggers.

"What do you think your doing?" You hear your father behind you.

"Fine then." You throw a punch at Goku only for him catch it. You begin to initiate the fight yourself. You throw punches and kicks but all Goku does is block them.

"Come on! Fight back!" You begin to get mad and go super saiyan your punches and kicks getting faster and stronger.

"Y/n stop this right now!" Vegeta yells but you ignore him.

"What are you to chicken to fight because I'm a girl?!" At that moment something flashes in his eyes.


You challenged his ego so now he's going to fight back. He throws a punch and your fists collide.

"Kakarot don't you dare encourage this!" You could tell he was getting pissed.

Goku kicked you in the stomach throwing you backwards a few yards. The kick hurt a little but not enough to slow you down.

A smile grows on your face as you finally get what you want. You begin to charge at Goku again but are restrained. You realize it's your father holding onto you. You go hot with rage and ram your elbow into his stomach. He releases you and you turn on him.

"Fine I'll fight you then." You begin to charge a ki blast in your hand.

"What you'll do is stop this right now."

"No! I'm trying to prove myself to you, so you'll actually be proud of me for once!" You shot the ki blast at him only for him to knock it aside.

"Is that really what this is all about? You've got to be kidding me!" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

Just then Bulma opens the front door. "What the hell is going on out here?! You've woken up the baby and now he's crying." She glares at you, your father and, Goku. To say if looks could kill was an understatement.

You power down and begin to open your mouth to speak but Bulma cuts you off. "I'm sorry chi-chi but could you wait here moment please? I have something I need to deal with." She hissed through gritted teeth staring at you and your father telling you to go inside.

Your father proudly walks through the door as if he's done no wrong, while you follow behind more slowly not wanting to deal with bulma's wrath for the third time that week.

You stand in the living room, tension hanging in the air. Bulma walks in with the most calm demeanor. This scares you.

"I can say for once that I didn't start it-" vegeta begins to speak but Bulma cuts him off.

"Don't start with that vegeta." She glares back and forth between you two. "I don't care who started it or why, but you are staying in this room until you resolve it." She says leaving you two in the room alone.

"What were you thinking?" Your father asks not particularly glaring at you but he had a stern look.

"I already told you, I'm not going to repeat myself." You sit down on the couch avoiding looking his direction.

"So you challenged kakarot because you were feeling unappreciated. How cute."

"You don't get it do you? I put in one hundred percent every day for you but only get one percent recognition back. So yeah I think I'm feeling a little unappreciated." You feel rage boiling up in you again but you suppress it.

"I don't not appreciate you." This comment surprises you. "I just don't want you to fall behind like I did with kakarot."

"So your saying you don't want Gohan to be stronger than me?" You asked.

"Not exactly. I just want you to be proud of yourself."

You sigh and let out a laugh.

"What's so damn funny?" He begins to get mad all over again.

"Mister prince of all saiyans just got all sappy." You say and he just grunts leaving the room. You stand from the couch and head outside. You see Bulma, Goku, chi-chi, and Gohan sitting at one of the many outdoor tables.

You sit next to Bulma and she semi glares at you.

"So? Did you resolve your issue?" She says in voice that tells you she really doesn't care but does.

"Yes we did."

(A/n god I know this was horrible and short but I feel good just getting this chapter out there. So I hope that you all enjoyed it, or at least didn't hate it! This one was requested by AshliDinkelman !)

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