Outbursts and Dilemmas

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I groaned alongside everyone else, as the teacher commanded "Again, everyone! Take it from the top."

I drifted off into thought as the play began again, and the students began droning on disinterestedly. I felt a pat on my shoulder. It was Patricia Santiago. She was a soft- spoken brunette. She had wavy hair till her shoulders, and chocolate - brown eyes. 

"Boring, isn't it?"

I just nodded, glancing at Adrian, who was now clutching his heart for effect. I chuckled and felt Patricia shaking with laughter beside me. I turned to her and grinned. 

"What's is your role?"
"Well, Lily Simmons dropped out, as she realized she's going to be half-way around the country for a debate. So, I'm her replacement.", she simply replied shrugging.

I gaped at her open- mouthed "You are playing Belle?!"
"Yup.", she popped the'p' and laughed at my expression. I was just about to reply when I heard a sneer from behind me.

"Ugh, our school is really dropping its standards.", Serena said glaring at Patricia. Nina merely nodded beside her. I narrowed my eyes at them -

"Hey, I'm betting she's really good okay?!", I bite out.Serena's eyes widen for a moment at my sudden outburst before they narrow with rage. 

"You will not use that tone with me.", she snapped. "Besides, her? and act? You must be blind or just ignorant.", she continued airily. 

I was about to retort, when Patricia cut in icily "I wouldn't expect you to single out talent. After all, you think you are the embodiment of talent. Which, I am sure, everyone with eyes can see. However, jealousy suits you indeed, no wonder you look good all the time." 

The rest of the students who had begun paying attention to the dispute let out giggles, however i snorted in a very unladylike manner, and then felt my face become hot. I heard a chuckle that I knew came from Percy Scott. I resisted the urge to glance at him. But, I kept my eyes focused on Serena. She stayed silent, then taking one look at the both of us, she turned and sashayed out. 


At lunch, I took out my lunch and placed them on my desk. I pulled out my story book, and opened it, pleased to have attained some peace of mind. Just when my eyes began to skim through the first line, a shadow fell across the page. I glanced up warily to only meet the gaze of Serena and her sidekick. 
I rose my eyebrows questioningly.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier. Want to join us for lunch?". To say I was shocked would be an understatement. 

I opened my mouth to politely decline, when I heard a voice cut in- "Of course you are going to sit with her." I turned to see a pure look of disdain on Patricia's face. Before I could reply to her- she walked off. 

Serena had a malicious look on her face and said "Well, nice knowing you can disappoint a poor, innocent girl. " She turned and began walking away. She paused at the door and called "If you are so in need, my invitation still stands."

But, before I could process anything, she was gone and I was left alone with my book and a now cold lunch.


Another update! So, as I'm in grade 10, my updates will be very erratic. However, I won't go AWOL. Expect the next update on Saturday.

xx Ari

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