Feasts and awkward scenes

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"AGH! How the hell am I to study this nonsense?" I screamed and threw the pencil against the wall. "Okay, let's read this. Slowly. Again." Squinting, I once again scanned the small font on my economics textbook.
"The demand curve is the same, so an increase in in labourers will move the supply curve along the demand curve."

A! Answer is A!

I excitedly marked it and was about to move on before a knock on the door interrupted me.

"Scar, Tamara's family is coming over for dinner today. Please be ready." She turned to go but turned around with an eyebrow raised when I burst out "Why our house?"
"Why today, I mean. There's no occasion.", I clarified. She narrowed her eyes.
"Their cook isn't coming tonight. Why? Is there a problem between you two? You would always be thrilled when they visited."
"Oh no, no problem. But I have an important test, so I can't come down for long."
"Okay." She agreed but didn't look convinced.

"Good fudging great." I dropped my head onto the desk groaning.


The doorbell rang and I heard my mom's shuffling footsteps as she threw the door open greeting our closest friends.

I dumped a spoon in the curry and walked out of the kitchen to greet our guests.

"Hello Scarlet! Honey, you look awful! Was it economics again?" Regina cried as soon as she saw me.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile a little. Regina has always been 'the cool mom'. Regina and my mom together are bearable as Regina is more outgoing and enthusiastic, my mom is more cautious and sensible. So, together they are... the best.

"Haha Regina, I always love your compliments, you know that!", I giggled.
My eyes then fell on Tamara who, besides herself had a small smile on her face. I grinned but it fell of my face just as the memory came rushing back. Ignoring Tamara, I called Regina and walked into the kitchen and sat.
The food looked delicious. My mom had made a feast.

On the table was, chilly chicken dry, fresh fried rice and gravy. A small container with soup was arranged to the left. I could feel the drool and mine wasn't the only 'drooling' -action. My dad and Tamara's dad, Robin had just walked in, and were starting hungrily along with Regina, Tamara and I.
It's a normal dinner, woman! Jeez! Just on the day I wanted to excuse myself early!

My mom stood there proudly. "Stop gawking. Start devouring." She teased and we all chuckled and took our places. I uneasily glanced at Tamara. Our eyes met and we both turned away. Putting on fake smiled and letting out forced laughs. But, even though as we laughed and ate, there was a tension in the room. I uneasily glanced at Tamara. Our eyes met and we both turned away.  Something told me, it wasn't going to go unnoticed.

Hey! Monday update. WHOHOO!

And this a reminder that there may not be a post this week, apart from Saturday, which is a special day 😉 You'll never know why! *EVIL SMILE*

Anyway, apart from Saturday (doubtful). I will not be posting until next Friday.
xo Ari

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