When Smiling is a crime

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"Just come on!", Robin whined and dragged me along, through the hallway. I struggled against his hold.
"Robin, stop it! People are staring. But more importantly, you are holding to tight!" I seethed. His grip only tightened "Let them."

Grumbling and unhappy, I grunted and continued to struggle.

"She doesn't need you anymore. Stop believing she does. Stop moping." A voice in my head chided. Clingy she had called me. Tamara had not even waited for me to explain. Tears welled in my eyes, but I stubbornly shook them away.

I was jolted back into reality when he walked into a classroom and shut the door. I pulled my hand away.
"What the hell do you want?!," I screamed. He seemed unfazed and simply said "I saw and heard what happened between you and the, uh, wretch."
I almost smiled. Wretch. Seems fitting. "So, what? I don't need your sympathy. Or pity!"
"Evidently you don't. I don't plan on giving it to you either. Just that... looked like you were going to cry. It would be really sad if you did. In the hallway too. So I dragged you here. Cry away."
OK. Now I started laughing. Like full on roaring with laughter. I clutched my stomach and doubled- over.
"You dragged a girl somewhere to cry?!" I wheezed out

He just looked at me, confused.
"You are most certainly a gentleman.", I chuckled. He just smiled a little.
"Look-," he started
"Ah yaya, it's okay that you shooed me from your seat. But, thank you Robin."
"You are welcome."
After our exchange, we just stood there smiling at each other. When it became beyond awkward, I looked away and began walking towards the door.
Turning back, I said "Hi. Scarlet Reynolds. Pleasure to meet you."
He grinned. I turned and began walking away. After another thought I called "But I still dislike Mr. Ugly." I didn't wait after that. All I heard was his laugh as it echoed through the empty corridors.


I walked to my locker. My mood lifted considerably. My face still had a silly grin as I put in the code and pulled it open.
"Why do you look like a cat?", a deep yet familiar voice said behind me. I froze.
Cautiously I turned and came face to face with a rather amused Percy.
Raising an eyebrow, I asked "Is smiling supposed to be a crime? Besides, this is the first time someone has told me to stop smiling."
He chuckled "Well, now that would be a crime. Why would I deprive the world of that smile?"
Heat rose to my cheeks, but I remained silent. Satisfied with the response, he smirked.
"See ya at practice. Bye Scar!", he called as he walked away.
"Bye.", I whispered as a smile made way onto my face again.

My facial features are gonna forever stay like a ray of sunshine at this rate.

There. A mid- week chapter! Exams next week and this was somewhat a stress- reliever. Wish me luck.
BTW- this chapter is dedicated to the person I wrote Tamara off. She has been begging for something, and I'm hoping I delivered. xD.


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