The gorgeous backside of his head!

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The girls of the school were definitely stereotypical. If I had to divide them into cliques, I would say 'The popular, flirty girls' containing the girls who would throw themselves at seniors as well as the boys of our year, giggling. Then the 'hilarious geeks', who found a reason to laugh at anything and everything. Followed by 'the nerds and ancient citizens', this included the students had been studying at Sunwood from preschool and the ones that always scored the highest grades. Tamara had found a friend Meredith and in less than a week, I could see losing my built in best friend to a moron of a geek, with a meek voice and an non- existent ego which she seemed proud of. However they became inseparable. Lastly, like every school, there were the 'nobodies.' The ones who managed to sit all through going unnoticed.

It had only been a week, yet Tamara had found herself a group of friends who adored her. However, I still didn't. I knew I didn't fit in any of the cliques. So, I decided to join the lonely nobodies clique.
I would sit and read and occasionally look back longingly at the times I had with my lovely friends in my old school. I called it a type of homesickness.

But, oh boy, didn't it change on the day of the basketball match. You see, I always loved that sport, even though I sucked.

But that day, I guess the angels were on my side as my hands dexterously handled the ball, dribbling with skill. The boys were impressed while the girls looked at me with a mixture of envy and scorn. I remember I huffed and just then the ball was ripped off of my grip. I saw the back of a head as the boy launched himself into the air, making a clear swish. I gasped, I was impressed, and that was an understatement. He turned around and well, he was gorgeous. I saw all the girls swoon and I could almost hear they're drool as the drops hit the ground.

Heturned around and high- fived a guy, who I didn't know. For a split second Icould swear he looked at me and smirked. I smirked, oh it was on! I would beathim at his own game.
Before he walked off for his next class once the bell rang, he turned around atme walking alone and stared, his eyes asking the silent, unspoken question, "Doyou think you can beat me? And who the hell are you?". I had been thinking thesame thing and yet, the both of us just stared at each other with a poker face.
When we finally broke eye contact and he headed off, I was left with a strange determination to win and more than prove myself, I found myself wanting to impress him. I guess, I had just developed some feelings. It was called determination. 

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