Getting Close

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Two Weeks Later, February 5th


The wedding is in 12 days and I couldn't be more excited.

I already had booked the hotel in Paris and our flight tickets.

Good thing Cheryl and I took those french classes in high school together.

Cheryl and I had decided to wait until our honeymoon to have sex again so it could be special. This just reminds me of when I got shot and couldn't do anything. So we are trying our best to keep it in our pants. It's been two weeks and I'm currently dying.

Now all we're doing is just making sure everything will be in tip-top shape for our special day.

Today the whole gang decided to hang out at Pop's like we used to.

"Remember when we first saw Toni and Cheryl together and Veronica went into full-blown mom mode?" Josie said and the whole table laughed.

"Hey I was just looking out for Cher, turns out they were good for each other so I regret nothing." Veronica said defensively.

"What can I say we make a good team." I say and me and Cheryl fist bump.

"So guys what should we do for Toni's last night of freedom?" Fangs said rubbing his hands together evilly. "Strip club!" Both Sweet Pea and Reggie yell.

"No!" Cheryl and Betty yell out and Cheryl gave me a glare.

"I didn't say anything it was all them princess." I defended while putting my arm around Cheryl's shoulder. She rolled her eyes and leaned against me. I laughed and focused my attention to the conversation again.

"Ok then we should just go to the Whyte Whyrm and get shitfaced." Archie said and Jughead smirked at him.

Cheryl raised her eyebrow in an intimidating way.

"Well not get shitfaced but a little drunk." Archie said again and Cheryl nodded, approving the idea.

I leaned down to whisper in Cheryl's ear. "What's today again." I asked. "The 5th." She answered giving me a confused look. "So it's time for Carrie to go to the prom?" I questioned in our secret code.

"Yes and she is super upset." She answered me and held her stomach, shifting uncomfortably.

"Would you like to leave and get some ice cream from the store by the house?" I say trying to see if I could help. "Yeah babe let's go." She said.

"Guys we have to cut short again Cheryl had an unexpected meeting come up and I need to take her." I said to the gang convincingly.

They all nod and say their goodbyes as we left the small diner.

Cheryl and I made it home with multiple pints of ice cream. We put some in the freezer and we took 2 upstairs to our room.

I laid in the bed and Cheryl cuddled up against me as we were watching netflix and I was rubbing her stomach.

"Babe can you please get me some pain killers these cramps are getting more aggressive." She asked me.

"Of course my love." I said and gave her a quick kiss.

I left out the bedroom and went to our medicine cabinet in the kitchen.

Around this time of the month I feel really guilty because I don't go through what Cheryl does so i'm just kinda left standing around, so I do everything I can to make her feel better.

I made my way back into the bedroom to see Cheryl laying on her side asleep.

I climbed in behind her and cuddled up to her. She turned around and snuggled into me still asleep.

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