Boy Or Girl

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Three Months Later (Cheryl is 6 months now)


"Toni are you sure Cheryl won't mind this?" Polly asked me. "Of course Polly plus we haven't seen the twins since the wedding and now that Cheryl is pregnant we need practice on kids no matter what age." I reasoned.

"Okay, but if Cheryl is mad about the inconvenience then all the blame goes on you Topaz." She said.

"Yeah, yeah so Saturday right?" I asked to make sure. "Yup so be ready at around like 3." Polly approximated. "Got it Polly see ya then." I said and hung up the phone.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where Cheryl was on the couch sketching like always.

"Hey babe so our next appointment is on Friday so you know what that means?" I said as I sat beside her. She looked up at me with an amused face.

"No, what does that mean." She asked and placed her book on top of her stomach. "Babygirl that means we get to know what we are having." I said happily.

"You mean besides a baby?" Cheryl asked with a smirk. "You know what I mean smart ass." I said then kissed her lips and she giggled.

"Of course I know what that means babe and now we can finally think of some names for our gemstone." She smiled brightly with a sparkle in her eyes.

I couldn't help but feel all warm at her expression. I leaned over and gave a soft kiss to her forehead.

"That also means I can get started on the nursery." I said as I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Ooo and that will be an amazing sight for me." Cheryl with a smirked. "Only if I allow you to watch." I commented while matching the smirk on her face.

"Clearly you have forgotten who I am. I'm Cheryl Topaz aka Cheryl Bombshell and I need no permission I" She said then gave a wink and got up.

I had my mouth hung open as she walked away from me. Before she completely left my sight she peaked over her shoulder and looked me.

"Close your mouth babe or you're gonna catch flies." And with that she walked into our kitchen.

I snapped out of it and got off the couch. I walked into the kitchen and Cheryl was looking inside the fridge humming.

I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she jumped. "Holy shit Toni you scared me." She said and I gave a small laugh.

"Babygirl don't worry about cooking tonight I got it." I said and gently kissed her shoulder. "Aw baby you're so sweet." Cheryl said and closed the refrigerator door.

She turned around and grabbed my hand. "Well baby lets go up to our room so I can show you how much I appreciate you." She said suggestively and bit her lip.

I look at her with a dumbfounded expression on my face and nod my head frantically. She smiles widely and we make our way upstairs.


"Nice to see you guys are back and Cheryl you've grown more since I last saw you." Dr. Jones said as she walked into our room.

"Well this baby seems like it's gonna be a big one." Cheryl said while rubbing her stomach. "Well Cheryl I always say the bigger the healthier." The doctor said and we laugh.

"Okay now here goes the cold gel." Dr. Jones mumbled.

She rubbed the gel in and I looked at the ultrasound. At our last appointment Dr. Jones showed us our baby's fingers, legs, arms, feet, and toes, so now I can look and figure it out for myself.

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