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The Next Day


I woke up in a hospital bed with Toni's arms around me. I looked over to my right and saw Isabella sleeping peacefully in her crib.

I turned back and grabbed Toni's arm and started to trace her tattoos as I was thinking.

We actually have a kid. A daughter. We're parents.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt Toni shift. I turned around so me and her were facing each other. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning babygirl." She said in a raspy voice. I said good morning back and she kissed my forehead then we heard a small cry.

We looked to the small crib and saw that Bella was awake. Toni got up and got her out of the crib. She held and sung to her until she stopped crying and I smiled at the sight.

This is my life now and I couldn't be happier.

Later in the day

"Well Mrs.Topaz it seems like you and the baby are in perfect condition so I can discharge you now." A nurse says as she finished her last checkups on Isabella and I.

"Well that's great." I said as I held Bella in my arms. "I'll go get the discharge paperwork signed and will be back in about 30 minutes." She said then left.

"How about we call your mama to see where she is with our clothes." I said in a baby voice as I reached for my phone to call Toni. I pressed the call button and put it on speaker as it rang.


"Hey princess whats up."

"Hey baby. How much longer will you be?"

"I will be there in about five minutes. Why, is there something that you wanted me to get?"

"No, Bella and I just miss you."

"Well I miss my girls too so i'll be there soon, okay?"


"So I just pulled up I'll be up in three minutes."

"I'll be waiting with Bella."

"Okay I love you baby."

"I love you too babe."

We finished our call and I waited for her to make her way up to us.

"Waaaah!" Bella started to cry.

I tried not to panic but it was the first time she actually started to cry and I didn't know what to do.

I did the only thing that came to mind and sung to her.


I parked the car and got out a small pink backpack that had  Isabella's clothes and put it on my shoulder.

Then I got a medium sized tote bag out that had Cheryl's clothes in it.

I made my way inside and into the elevator. As I was about to press the button someone jumped right in.

I looked to my left and saw a woman in scrubs.

"4th floor please." She said and I pressed the 3rd and  4th button.

As we waited for the elevator to start I felt the woman's eyes on me from behind. I moved so that my back was against the wall.

"I see that you're going to the nursery floor do you know someone who had a baby?" She asked while eyeing.

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