Back In Time

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Flashback 5 years ago


I was in my apartment on the couch studying for my business exam for next month when I heard knocking on my door.

I checked the time on my phone and it read
10:42 p.m.

The person knocked again. "Hold on i'm coming!" I shouted.

I opened the door and my face lit up. "Oh my god babe!" I shouted and hugged her. "I missed you so much." I said into her chest.

"Yeah I missed you too." She said shakily. I pulled back from our hug and looked at Toni's face. She was pale. She's nervous about something.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked sincerely. "Uh..Yeah can I come in we need to talk?" She said and I opened my door more for her to come in.

We walked into my living area that had books scattered all over the table 

"Sorry for the mess I was studying, maybe after our talk you can help me." I said happily and smiled. "You might not want me to after i'm done." Toni huffed out and sat down with her head own looking at the floor.

I sat beside her and held her hand. "Toni what's wrong?" I asked seriously. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Cheryl I love you so much and I can't live without you, you know that right?" She asked and I nodded my head and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Cheryl I love you and this has been eating at me for days and I finally decided to act on it. It hurts me so much to do this but we need to break up."

5 words. 15 letters. 2 broken hearts.

I looked at Toni with tears in my eyes. "What did I do I can fix it i'm sorry. Toni please don't do this." I begged as more tears fell down my face.

Toni had plenty of tears leaving her eyes as well. "Babygi-" "Toni please don't call me that it will only make this harder for me." I said as I felt a pang in my chest at the pet name she gave to me 3 years ago. The one that I loved so much, but now it only hurts to hear it.

"Cheryl it's so hard being away from you it hurts so much, but this isn't working out and I want us to end on good terms and not in an argument over the fact that we don't talk as much or see each other enough." Toni said.

"Toni can you answer this question just to ease my mind?" I asked her through my tears. "Of course." She said while looking at me.

"Did you meet some girl that you want to be with?" I said. Toni looked at me, her tears had stopped and there was a sparkle in her eyes.

"No Cheryl I did not meet a girl. No one could ever compare to you or your personality. Frankly if i'm being honest I probably won't even be able to be with anyone else, matter of fact, picture myself with anyone else besides you. I love you. You're the love of my life, my best friend, and my soulmate. You will always be those things to me by tomorrow, in 5 months, and even 5 years, no one will take that away from me ever." Toni said gently.

I looked at my hand that was still on top of hers. "Toni if i'm being honest I don't want to be with anyone else either, and I know i'm not going to be with anyone else." I said and intertwined our hands. Toni squeezed our hands together and we sat in silence.

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