Waking Up

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{ Ren's POV }

I woke up to Alec stretching in the corner. "Did you sleep in here?" I asked, surprised that I could speak after the pain I had felt last night.

"I brought you outside and Magnus healed you up but yes, I slept in here." He said and I nodded. "Thanks." I rasped, my throat sore from dehydration.

He got me a jug of water and a cup. My hand was shaking as I tried to pour but I shook my head as he tried to take it from me.

I successfully poured a glass and began taking slow sips, knowing I'd make myself sick if I didn't. "I need to train. I can't lie around all day." I said and he looked at me. "Ren you're not..." And I stood up.

"I'm fine Alec. Let's go." I said and he nodded. "Okay then."

He said and I shooed him out so I could change.

Since I was training.

I wore a sports bra and stretchy shorts with a leather vest over top so I didn't look like I was picking up Isabelle's habits.

"I have to say you look awesome." He said and I shrugged.

"Next to Izzy, I'm nothing." I said and he shook his head.

"At least you're not a slut."

He said. "Alec!" I said, slapping him on the shoulder playfully. "It's true." And suddenly I flinched and saw Jace standing there.

I moved closer to Alec on instinct, as I remembered the fingers closing around my throat last night.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we made it to the private training room, that was usually reserved for long ranged combatants who wanted to pick up hand to hand combat as an extra skill. "You seem pretty shaken Ren."

Alec said and I looked at him. "I think it'd be better if I didn't see Jace for a few days. Of course I'll be there the moment you need me... But I think I'm going to stay with Magnus for a few days. Can you hold down the fort without me?"

I asked, looking at him, eyes worried about him.

{ Alec's POV }

I was shocked to see shame in her amber-green eyes. "Of course I can. Ren Fairchild, if you have to go see Magnus, I can't stop you. Even if I begged you, it wouldn't stop you. Go." I said and she smiled and I tossed her one of my hoodies that was tight on her. "You're growing."

I said and she looked at me and shook her head. "I'll put in a good word with Magnus for you." And she leaped out the window, taking her weapons and her stele with her.
She landed lightly in a crouch on the ground and looked up. She gave me a thumbs up and I laughed and suddenly an arm reached out and grabbed her by the throat.

It was joined by another and I realized it was Jace. "Stop it!" I yelled at Jace but he was beyond reason as he squeezed Ren's throat, believing she was the reason that his parabatai had died. I nocked an arrow and shot, hitting Jace in the arm enough to weaken his grip.

Suddenly a portal appeared and Magnus stepped through. He knocked out Jace with a bit of magic and I hopped down. I dragged Jace inside and left him in Hodge's care.

I ran back outside and I clamped my hand over Ren's cold one.

"She'll be okay right?" I asked, nervous to hear what the answer was. "I don't know." Magnus said simply and quietly, but I knew him well enough by now, to know that he was terrified, of losing the young Shadowhunter that he had saved from a mother who didn't want her.

I stepped through the portal and left came out in Magnus' apartment. "Thanks for letting me stay."

I said quietly.

"It would be a disservice, both to you and to Ren if I didn't. You are her parabatai. I abide by the Clave Rules, though very reluctantly." Magnus said. I smiled slowly.

"So does Ren. She must get it from you." I noted. "Well yes, I raised her from 6 years old until 10, when she came to you. She taught you how to shoot when you were 7 years old."

Magnus said.

"She taught Isabelle how to use a whip when she was 8, a year after she came to you." Magnus said.

"Ren taught you how to use a blade after she instinctively defended herself from 8 Rahumm Demons on her own without any training and only two or a few runes." Magnus said and I looked at him. "How did you..." I started but he wasn't done.

"The rune of speed, and the rune of family bonds which gave her strength even against impossible odds. She loves you Alec." And I looked at him. "I know that but..."

"Like a brother. Like parabatai, and more. But she'll willingly step aside. That's rare Alec. She really loves you, but she's not going to stop you from being yourself and not going to stop you from dating whoever you want to date."

Magnus said and I looked at Ren. "She likes me that much?" I said quietly. "Yes. She just never showed it because she knows you'd think it was wrong, even for parabatai."

He said and I looked at him and he shook his head. "I'll heal her now. Her room's the first door one on the right if you want." Magnus said.

I nodded and walked away, into the room that Magnus had directed me to. I stopped in the doorway.

There were pictures of her and Magnus with his cat, then the next few were... me?

I was shooting at a vampire that I remembered from the Hotel DuMort.

Then there was another of me shirtless and standing there, just staring, like a model. She had drawn the runes perfectly. I thought as I traced the runes with my fingers on my stomach and chest. "How did she know?" I whispered, thinking.

Suddenly Magnus ran in. "Alec. Ren's awake, and it's... just come and see for yourself." And I ran after him into the living room and stopped dead, skittering to a stop.

"What in the name of..." I whispered...

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