Reality and War

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In another reality...
{Ren's POV}
I woke up to see a bunch of shadowhunters I didn't recognize, walking around. "It was high time you came to see us Ren Fairchild." And I looked at the man, and looked at the patterns of his runes. "Edmund Herondale." I said and bowed. "There is no need to bow young one. You currently have demon blood flooding through your veins, allying itself with both the demon Venom in you, and the warlock in you. You will survive, but you can alone be saved by your parabatai, who has gone chasing after Jace who seems determined to kill Valentine himself." And I looked at Edmund.

"Is there a way to bring me back?" I asked quietly, looking at him.

"At great cost. You're now part demon, part downworlder, and part shadowhunter. But the main blood that runs through your veins and is pumped by your heart, is the blood of Raphael Santiago. He has saved you multiple times and hiss blood runs through your veins." And I looked at my arms as I went into the ghostly version of the Institute. I saw Jocelyn's parents and I sighed and looked down.

Alec come back to me.

{Alec's POV}
I paced around inside the walls of the Institute, not knowing what to do. Magnus had portaled in with a vampire, Raphael Santiago I think he said his name was. Anyways, they're in there with Ren and I know I can't lose her too.

I ran after Raphael and I slammed to a stop to see her convulsing. Magnus was trying to keep her calm but it wasn't working. "Alec." And I held my arm out and he gripped it and suddenly his cat-like eyes grew brighter with power. She calmed down and slowly slipped back into wherever she had been before. I ignored Raphael's hand. "Why did you bring him here?" I asked, looking at Magnus. "In case I needed a guard. He may not be the best at controlling his temper but he's like Ren's younger brother." And I growled. "She has a brother." And Raphael hissed. "Would the two of you just shut up!" Magnus snapped and suddenly Aren murmured something. I crouched next to her and listened.

"It can't be true. Don't let it be true.. Tell me it's not true..." She was murmuring and I looked at Magnus. "When she went to see me when she found out Valentine was her father." Magnus said and I nodded and crouched next to her again. Suddenly she was convulsing again and I jumped back as Raphael ran forward. "Ren."

And Ren seemed to calm immediately after she heard his voice and he gripped her hand, the rune clearly bothering him but he said nothing of the pain. "Camille DeLacourt. Raphael Santiago. Simon Lewis." And I looked at Magnus who was watching the Shadowhunter he had raised, his face emotionless. "Valentine. Demon. Downworlder."

And Raphael listened intently. "Oh no." He said and got a call from Simon. "What?" He snapped into the phone, his eyes glowing. "Aldertree wants to meet with me." And Magnus picked up Ren who wasn't murmuring anymore. He made a portal and I walked Raphael to where Aldertree was. "Leave us Alec." And I shook my head. "With all due respect, I promised Ren I would look after Raphael in any situation. This counts as one." And Aldertree growled. "Okay fine. Sit."

And I sat and suddenly cuffs were cuffing my arms and legs to a chair. "What is this?" I snapped.

"Your punishment for taking Ren out of the Institute without my permission." And I growled. "I was acting head of this Institute for 4 years, you can't do this to me." I snapped and he smirked. "But I can Alec." And suddenly Raphael was stuck in a chair and there were rays to imitate sunlight effects. Raphael's screams echoed around the room.

With Ren...

I heard Raphael screaming and Alec yelling at Aldertree to stop, but I couldn't do anything. The longer I was in here, the worse it gets for me to watch what my parabatai and the vampire I thought of as my brother, walked through fire to keep me safe, I clenched my eyes shut and listened. "What is it Michael?" I asked, looking at Jace's father.

"Nothing. Just wondered if you wanted some tea." And I flipped the tray out of his hand so it crashed to the ground. "I don't want tea! I want to see my parabatai! I want to go back to my home. The only home I ever knew, but I can't. I'm stuck here!" I roared. "I know." He said and I looked at him.

"No you don't. You deserve to be here, you were one of the Circle, I wasn't." And I punched the wall furiously, just as my grandmother, Charlotte Fairchild walked in. "Grandmother." I said and bowed before her. "Rise Ren Fairchild. You should not kneel to me." And I stood up slowly, my eyes on hers. "I'm so sorry for everything that my daughter did to you. Including how she loved Clarissa and Johnathan more then she loved you." And I nodded. "I know, but I never needed a mother or a father. I only needed a brother or three." And she laughed. "Magnus Bane High Warlock of Brooklyn, Alec Lightwood your parabatai, Max Lightwood, Jace Wayland or Johnathan, and Raphael Santiago."

Charlotte said and I nodded. "Yes." I said and she smiled and laughed quietly. Suddenly I spun around to see Alec helping Raphael out of the room while Aldertree threw water balloons of holy water at their backs. Alec wasn't affected but Raphael was covered in burns. Suddenly I felt myself get dragged away.

{Alec's POV}

I ran Raphael through a standing portal and appeared outside Magnus' apartment. Magnus swung the door open. "We didn't have anywhere else to go." And I staggered as Raphael did, his legs moving spasmodically. "Come on." And Magnus shut the door with a snap. I was sitting next to Ren while I waited for the update from Magnus. Instead naturally, I got Raphael walking in and I looked at him over my shoulder. "What?"

I asked, sounding as I normally did, miserable.

"Look, just because you're her parabatai, doesn't mean you have to be here every second..." And my bow was pointed and nocked, straight at his throat. "Don't you get it? That's exactly why I do have to be here. If she goes, a part of me does to. I can't lose her Raphael." And he nodded. "I know." He said and I dropped my bow. "I'm sorry." I said and sat next to Ren with a thud. I rubbed my eyes as Isabelle ran in. "Is she any..." And I shook my head. "None. She's quiet, hasn't said anything since...." And suddenly a gasp was heard. "Alec." And it was the faintest whisper, but it was there.

"I'm right here." And she smiled. "Raphael. Why?" And I looked at Raphael. "Because, Camille was jealous. She wanted me to kill you so I gave you some of my blood. It mixed with the angel blood and the warlock in you, made you smell like a warlock and I had told her that Magnus had transformed you half into a warlock and I asked him to put a spell on you so it would seem like you could no longer have runes." Raphael said and I looked at Ren who stared at me.

"You approved this?" And I nodded. "I had to. Can't lose my parabatai for anything." And I held my hand up. She considered it, and clamped her hand around mine. I smiled and she stood up. "So... How long was I out?" She asked and I looked at Raphael knowingly. "I don't like that look." Ren said, looking between Raphael and I. "A lot happened." I said and she looked at me and put a locking rune on the door. "Both of you, spill. Now." She snapped.

"You do know I can break through doors right?" Raphael said and she chuckled. "Be my guest."

And he blurred towards the door and got thrown back hard onto the ground. "Spill." She said.

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