The Nightclub

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Night clubs have reputations, but it isn't because of the music that plays, it's because of the lingering ghosts.

You've been drinking since five o'clock, it's 8pm now. The girls were in the bathroom, giggling and applying makeup for later. Clubbing clothes made you feel hot; short skirts, fishnets, tight sheer tops. All of it. 

"You're awful quiet, tonight will be fun, you'll see!"  Tifa's hair fell off her shoulder and she leaned down and tightened her high heel laces. 

"Your tits look great in that small black dress, Tifa" You exlaimed, eyeing her chest and outfit.

She laughed. 

"Well good, that's the idea! You almost ready to leave? The club opens at 10."

You nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be!"

It was around 9pm when you all left the house and locked up, the club wasn't far so walking was fine. The cool night air kissed your skin; a relieving temperature than in the day.

"Fuck it's nice out tonight" You exclaim, the girls nod in agreement. 

You liked the stares, for the most part. When strangers eyed you and your friends, because of the outfits no doubt. It felt nice and validating. Feeling things felt nice.

The light pollution was thick, twinkling city lights, neon corner stores and restaurants everywhere you looked. The buildings looming over, making you feel small. Insignificant. 

Cities at night were wondrous and inspiring, there was life at all times of the day, and you found it to be charming.  There it was, the club. Anxiety spikes are the worst.

You all got carded and went in. The bouncer was cute.. The music was very loud, people were everywhere. At the bar and on the dance floor. You and Tifa made your way to the bar, gently pushing passed drunk people. 

The bartender was cute, blond hair, skimpy outfit, tits for tips though right? 

"Two rum and cola's please!" Tifa shouted over the music, the bartender heard her and prepared the drinks.

You both downed the drink. She placed her cup down and dragged you to the bathroom. You sat on the counter as she adjusted her tits in her dress. 

"Coming here is always great, I love turning heads when we walk in." She pulled out her mascara and applied some. Tifa looked you over.

"You look hot tonight."

"Shut up." You knew you did, accepting compliments was just hard.

She put away her makeup and you both walked out of the bathroom, making your way to the dance floor. She grabbed your hand and faced you, pressing her tits to yours. 

"Let's give the one's who watch a show.." Her eyes mischievous and enticing.

Your face feels hot when she hugs you close, reaching around you and grabbing your ass. Pulling you into her hips, and she lead the way. Grinding and swaying at a hypnotic pace. She turned around and pulled you towards her. 

You followed suit, feeling the alcohol burn in your veins. You gripped her tits and followed her rhythm. You knew people were watching. How could they not.

She turned around suddenly, pressed her lips to yours and grabbed your hair. You pulled away and laughed. "You're torturing them now." She giggled in reply. 

Her breath felt like fire on your skin, and she wore an amazing perfume, and those lips were so soft.. Fuck you're wasted.

You both danced to the music, enjoying the warmth of the club and the alcohol. Nights like this made life worth it, existing was easier when intoxicated.

You wondered if everyone else was escaping their life by coming here, forgetting about their hard work week, getting over a breakup, trying to find a one night stand. 

Everyone here was just, getting away from life. You made your way to the bathroom, dizzy and feeling sick. 

Steadying yourself on the counter with your hands, you stared at your reflection. Not recognizing yourself made you feel sad. 

Drinking never made it better, it just kept the dumb thoughts away. Wiping your eyes from the tears that fell, you composed yourself and walked back out. 

You ordered another drink, hoping this one would end the thoughts. Tifa was dancing with some guys. Drunk off her ass. 

Downing another helped. You were on fire and ready to dance again. 

Making your way to Tifa you sandwiched yourself between her and someone you'd never met. Hands felt their way all over your body, groping in places you didn't care about anymore.

You slipped away after a while and made your way outside, the night air touched your heated face. It was nice and refreshing from the hot club. You lit a cigarette.

The city was still lively, people on the sidewalks talking and smoking. Out with friends and having a good time. 

And you wondered if they were ghosts too, like the people in the club. Trying to feel something, instead of nothing all the time. 

You struggled to gather your thoughts, and felt like who you were was slipping away, like always.

You threw your cigarette on the ground, smearing it in the pavement with your shoe. 

" I need another drink.." . 

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