Part 2

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sanskar's POV

I shake hands with the man and my PA took them with him. I picked up his drink and walked toward the railing and looked down, the pub was crowded with all kinds of people. I was standing on the second floor, therefore, I can see everything and started scanning the dance floor, girls and boys were intermixed, most of them were drunk. my eyes focused on one girl, she was wearing a deep v-shaped dress, which was showing her whole cleavage. she was dancing, moving her lady parts according to beats.

"perfect for a one-night stand..." I thought and finished my drink in one gulp, kept the glass on the table and walked toward the stairs. I directly approached the girl and slid my hand around her waist and pulled her back. I rolled my eyes when she faked a moan. I danced with her constantly but that was not working at all.


I pushed her to the side and walked out of the pub but heard her calling me but I came out into the parking area and settled in my black Porsche and drove it toward a particular direction, I looked at time in my mobile, it was striking 2 at night.

She will be thinking I am some kind of psycho, coming so late. but I don't care, what will she think, it's her mistake for making me distracted from other girls and she going to pay for it. after stopping the car in front of the hotel, I came out and gave the key to the watchman when he touched his cap to me, I was walking toward the lift when the manager of the hotel came toward me and greeted me. I nodded at him and walked toward the lift. maybe keeping Swara at one of my hotels was a bad idea. I just need to be careful that staff should not inform mom about my unusual visits. they just need a warning.

after reaching the 180th floor, I stood in front of the door and ringed but there was no response from another side. I ringed again. damn, I should have brought another key, she might be sleeping at this time.

I was thinking to call the manager and ask for an extra key when the door gets open and she tried to hit me with something.

WHAT THE!!!!!!

I held her raised hand with one hand, twisting it at her back and pulled her toward me by holding her waist with the other. she struggled to take out her wrist from my strong grip and looked at me, she stopped struggling that instant and a calm look appeared on her face.

"i...I just got scared...don't know who came at this time," she said with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

"what made you think that this will save you?.." I asked from her, chuckling, feeling deeply amused at her act.

"I didn't have other choices..." she replied annoyingly.was she annoyed at my laugh? CUTE!

"you can leave me now..." she said, looking at me with her pitch-black orbs.

"I am not in a mood of leaving you.." I said to her, in a husky tone and kissed her softly. she was shocked at first, not expecting that, then kissed me back slowly. I slid my hand inside her shirt and caressed her baby soft skin, up and down. I can feel her skin tensed when I did that.

"sanskar....not here," she said keeping her fingers at my mouth, stopping me from kissing her. I looked around, we were still in the lobby.

"she was right...if anyone sees us then it can cause a problem for me." I thought and lifted her off the floor.

"I can walk..." she said quickly but instead of answering her, I kissed her passionately and took her inside from the open door and closed it by kicking. I didn't realize when did I climbed the stairs and entered inside the room, blame the steamy kiss.

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