Part 6

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"put me down please...what's wrong with you today?"swara laughed and holds his shoulder tightly as sanskar was twirling her in air.

"i can't tell you how much happy i am..."sanskar said while putting her down.swara looked at his face,it was beaming with happiness.

"will not tell me reason?..."swara asked with smile and put her arms around his neck.

"i told you about a deal which i was chasing from very long?...i got that deal signed today"sanskar said while moving his arms around her waist.

"congratulations..."swara pecked on his lips.

"get ready...i am taking you out for dinner."sanskar said while cupping her cheek


"what do you mean by why?...i got such a big deal,celebration is must or you want to celebrate at home."sanskar said and pulled her close to him,their faces inches apart.swara blushed red,she keeps both hands on chest and pushes him back.

"five minutes..."swara said and went toward her room.sanskar chuckled at her shy nature.


"why don't you attend it?..."swara asked,seeing him cutting the call fifth time.

"not in mood..."sanskar said in nonchalant tone and takes bite of food.

"who is calling?..."

"dad...."sanskar said in same tone and swara glares at him.she pulls his plate toward herself as they were sitting opposite.sanskar looks at her with raised eyebrows.

"pick it up..."swara said in ordering tone.sanskar smiled at her cute expressions,sighed,got up and moved to side while attending the call.

"why don't he like his father?..."swara thought in mind and looked at him.his face was poker while he was saying something on phone.after some time he came back and instead of sitting back on his seat he moved toward swara and bends over her a little,keeping his one hand on table and one hand on chair head.swara looks at him with wide eyes then looks around.Although they were sitting in corner table but still there were few people around them.

"therefore i didn't want to attend the call..."sanskar said while leaning over her.

"Public...."swara said after putting hand on his mouth and show him eyes.sanskar holds her wrist,kissed on her palm and removes her hand.swara felt butterflies in her stomach when he kissed on her palm.

"So?...."sanskar asked with raised eyebrow and pulled her close.

"sanskar please..."swara blushed deep read and looked around, some people were looking at them with smile on their faces.sanskar sighed sufferingly,gets straight,goes and sits on his chair again.swara thanked God that he sometimes listens to her.

After finishing their dinner they walked out from there.Sanskar opened door for her then himself sits beside wheel and starts the car.they reached home after 20 minutes of silent driving.swara was going to step down when he held her wrist and pulled her in his lap and before she could have say something,he captured her lips.he slides his one hand around her waist and with other hand he cupped her left cheek.swara responded to his passionate with same passion.both pulled apart from each other when it get really hard for them to breath.

"dad wants me to come home therefore i am leaving you right now....but the moment i got free,i will come."sanskar said in husky tone while rubbing his thumb on her cheek.swara blushed a little.sanskar kissed on her forehead and she steps down from car and walks toward door.sanskar turns the car and leaves.

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