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Sujata was sitting in sanskar's room,crying silently.ram came and sat beside her.

"i am sorry..."ram said,keeping hand on her hand.

"if you are sorry please bring him back..."sujata said while wiping her tears.

"did i ask him to leave?...and he is very happy with his wife,don't worry"ram asked calmly.

"did you meet him? is he?..why didn't you bring him home?..."sujata said in wet voice.

"he seemed busy with his wife therefore i didn't disturbed him."ram said in same calm tone.suajta stares at him for a second.

"don't you miss him?..."sujata asked,staring at him deeply.ram kept silent at that.

"please bring him back...he is our only son,can't you forgive him."

"do you think if i will ask him he will return....don't you know how much stubborn he is?"ram said in irritated tone.

"what's wrong if you try for once....please for me."suajta said in pleading tone and holds his both hands.ram released a deep sigh and nodded for once.sujata smiled at that.



Swara was lying on bed as her back was attached with head of bed.she was not feeling good therefore she was home.meanwhile door bell started ringing.swara opens her eyes,looked at that time then stepped down from bed and walked outside.

"sanskar didn't i tell you not to come early...i am fine but you......."swara started scolding after opening the door,without seeing but she stopped at once seeing ram standing at door.

"i...i am sorry i...i thought sanskar came."swara stuttered nervously.

"you should go to doctor if you are not feeling fine..."ram said with amusing look on his face.

" i am fine...come inside"swara quickly said and stepped aside.ram entered inside while looking around and sat on couch.swara sat opposite to him across the table and looked at him worriedly

"sanskar will never listen to me therefore i came to you...."ram said after clearing his throat.

"what do want to say..."swara asked confusingly.

"sanskar's mother is very sad,she misses him a lot.... i can't see her like that therefore i came here.tell him,his mother want him to return home."

"you don't miss him...only her mother misses him?"swara asked him in curious tone.

"no i don't...why should i miss a stubborn person like him."ram said in annoyed angry tone.swara stares at him then smiled.

"why are you smiling?...did i say something funny."

"you made me remember someone...i will just come."swara said and stood up and walks upstairs and comes back and puts a packed box in front of ram.

"what is this?..."ram asked with raised eye brow.

"happy birthday sir..."

"my birthday was..."

"i know it was last month...sanskar brought it last month and when i told him to give you this but he said 'why should he go to a stubborn person'...."swara said with smile.ram looks at it then back at her and gets worried seeing her sweating.

"are you fine? are sweating."ram asked in worried voice.

"don't know why am i feeling dizzy all of sudden..."swara muttered in weak voice,holding her head.ram fills glass of water and gives her,swara was about to take it but her mind went blank all of sudden and she fell down to her side on couch.

Secret Marriage.....(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now