Part 7

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"what the hell was that,asking from me is far thing,didn't even bother to inform me before i puppet in your hand?"sanskar shouted in furious tone.

"sanskar!...."sujata try to say something but ram spoke before her.suajta looks at father and son worriedly.

"what you have problem by marrying kavita?....she is beautiful,educated and rich."ram asked in stern voice.

"this you should have asked before the damn announcement and if you had asked then my answer would have NO"sanskar was still furious.

"do you want me to invest in your project?..."ram asked with narrowed eyes.

"how much her father is investing your company?..."sanskar asked in sarcastic tone.

"that's not my answer....."ram said and sanskar closed his fists in anger.he turned and walks out from there,banging the door behind him.

"sanskar..."suajta tried to go after him but ram stops her by raising his hand.

"let him be....when he will get his senses back,he will return."


"Swara  closes the door of the house and slides down crying while covering her mouth.she attaches her head to door and shuts her eyes.Tears start rolling down from her cheeks and sobbing sound were coming out from her covered mouth.She didn't release for how long she sit there when she heard car's engine sound.she quickly gets up and runs toward her room.

Sanskar opens the door with spare keys and entered inside.after coming inside the room,he looks around and walks forward.he hears water falling sound,went and sit on bed and started waiting for swara.

swara wipes her tears and washes her face with cold water,looks herself in mirror,takes few deep breaths and comes out.sanskar turns his head and looked at her.

"when did you come?..."swara asked in normal tone while wiping her face with towel.

"just now...."sanskar said,not making eye contact with her.swara nodded and walks toward her dressing table,puts towel on head of chair,picks up a hair catcher,tie her hair in bun and turns toward him.

"are you hungry?..."swara asked from him after turning back.sanskar looks at her with confused expressions.

"get fresh...i will set table."swara said in composed tone and walks out from there.sanskar rubs his forehead in frustrated way then gets up and walks toward washroom.he comes out after getting fresh and went out.he saw her sitting beside table and himself sit on chair,opposite to her.swara starts eating and sanskar stares at her.

"i didn't knew anything about it...."sanskar said in quite tone.swara stopped eating and looked at him then continue eating.sanskar narrowed his eyes at her.

"swara i am talking to you..."sanskar said,getting angry frustrated a little.swara keeps fork to side of table and looks at him.

"i remember the deal don't have to explain me anything,don't worry."swara said in assuring tone and tried to get up but sanskar quickly keeps hand on hers stopping her from getting up.

"thanks..."sanskar said and swara gives him small smile.

"eat..."swara said while pulling her hand from his grip.after this,both eat silently.

"swara close the door..."sanskar said,seeing her busy in washing dishes.swara wipes her hands and both walks toward door.

"bye..."swara said,clenching her dress on her side.sanskar looks at her for a long minute then nodded at her and step out from door.swara closes the door behind her.

"he is not going to come here again."swara thought and a tear escaped from from her eyes.sanskar walks toward her car but stopped after few steps.

"she always remember anything when i leave then calls me from behind..."sanskar thought and turned back but door was close.he moves his hand from hair,feeling unknown emptiness in his heart.he shook his head firmly and walks toward his car and drove off.



"Please pick up..."Kavita said in pleading voice and again failed sahil's number.but he cuts her call.meanwhile raging comes there and stands in front of with crossed arms over chest.kavita looks at her with confused face.

"You are not ready yet?"ragini glares at her.

"Ready for what?..."she asked confusingly.

"I am giving party to my friends.....your alliance got fixed therefore they were asking for it and I said why not?"ragini said happily.kavita stares at her face then something comes in her mind.

"Did you invited sahil?..."Kavita asked eagerly.

"Off can I forget him? But why swara is not picking my call?"ragini said worriedly and again dials swara's number.kavita gets happy and stands up.

"When will you get ready?..."ragini asked with both raised eye brows.

"In 5 minutes..."she quikly goes toward her almirah.


"Congratulations...."sahil muttered in kavita's ear and breaks hug.

"Where is your fiance?..."he asked while looking around.she looks at him with teary eyes.

"Don't know....where that jerk is?"ragini said in annoyed tone.

"Look there he is..."lucky said pointing toward door.

"Swara also came...."ragini said,seeing them entering together.swasan looks at each other and share a short eye lock.


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