Part 14

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Sanskar enters inside the maheswari mention,whistling a romantic tone.he was going toward his room when one servant stopped him.

"ram sir is calling you in study..."servant said in obedient voice.sanskar nodded and goes toward study.after entering inside he directly goes and sits opposite to him.

"did you forgot to greet your father..."ram said glaring at sanskar.

"i stopped that from very long are noticing it now."sanskar said in taunting voice.ram just shook his head at his rude behavior.he slides a black folded file toward him.sanskar picks it up and opens it,annoyed and angry lines formed on his forehead,after seeing a picture of girl on right front and few pages with her details.

"she is....'

"i don't want to know..."sanskar said,interrupting him,closed file and put it back on table.

"why?.."ram asked getting angry.

"because i am not going to merry her no matter whatever you don't bother."sanskar said and stood up on his feet.ram just stared at him.

"and one more thing...greetings are for those fathers who truly cares for their sons,not for those who use their sons as bait for their business."sanskar said,turned and left.

Ram laid back on chair and starts thinks about something.



Swara was collecting important things quickly as she was getting late for office when sanskar entered inside and sits on bed in furious way.swara looks at him for half minute then keeps files and bags back,fills a glass of water and goes toward him.she sits beside him on bed and forward glass in front of him.

"drink it...cold water is very helpful in calming down."swara said with small smile.sansakr silently takes water and drink half glass in one gulp and returns it to her.

"why are you upset?..."swara asked,putting glass to side.

"he just perfectly knows to spoil my mood..."sanskar said in frustrated tone.

"your father?..."swara asked and sanskar took a suffering breath.swara keeps hand on his hands which were clasped with each other.

"what did he do to make you upset?"

"he gave a woman profile for marriage....what he expect from me? am i some kind of robot who will do whatever he decides for me,don't i have any rights to select and refecj something for myself?"sanskar said in very frustrated tone.

"is she beautiful?.."swara asked in low voice.

"did you even listened what i said? are only worried that is that woman beautiful or not?"sanskar said glaring at her.

"shouldn't i worry for husband has two choices,what if second choice is more beautiful then first one."swara said in same tone.

"i am sorry...'sanskar said while starring at her face.

"for what?.."swara asked after looking at him.

"i can't give answer to your question,i didn't looked at picture so carefully to know the answer...wait i will just quickly go and again look at picture and come back to give you answer."saanskar said and tried to get up but swara makes him sit down by keeping hand on his shoulder.

"don't to you dare to look at anyone else...don't you have some shame you are married"swara said glaring at him.

"react like this only when you come to know anything like this..."sanskar said while chuckling.swara smiles a little.sanskar turns to her side and holds her right hand.

"it doesn't matter how many choices i will will always be my first and last choice,never forget it."sanskar said in sincere tone.swara nodded with bright smile.sanskar moves forward and kissed on her forehead.



"its so unlike him that he didn't do anything after that day..."sanskar said in thoughtful tone while eating.swara just keeps silent.

"you know he always do something when i don't do anything according to him but this time he is not doing anything..its so strange."sanskar said and looked at her.she was lost some where.

"am i talking to food?..."sanskar asked in annoyed tone.swara comes back to her senses and looks at him.

"did you say something?.."she asked in confused tone.sanskar glares at her.

"where are you lost today...i am noticing you are not listening whatever i am saying,what are you thinking so deeply?"

"nothing..."swara said quickly,got up,tried to pick up finished dishes but sanskar holds her hand and pulled her in his lap.

"you don't know how to don't bother."

"its nothing..."swara said avoiding eyes from him.sanskar holds her chin and makes her look at him.

"did you cried earlier...your eyes are puffy"sanskar asked,looking deeply at her.

"sanskar i don't think your parents will accept this marriage..."swara said with tear filled eyes.

"what made you say this?..."sanskar asked in calmed tone.

"your father came office today and he told me to move out from your life."swara said in wet voice.sanskar closed his fist in anger.

"did he say anything else to you?..."sanskar asked in serious tone.

" than this,he..he just said this and left.'swara tattered a little.

"i am sorry for his behavior...don't take his words seriously.'sanskar said,wiping a tear from her cheek with his thumb then removes her from his lap and walks toward main door.

"where are you going?...sanskar?"swara asked worriedly but sanskar left without saying anything.



"why did you went to meet swara in her office?"sanskar said angrily,controlling half of his anger.

"didn't she tell you why.."ram said in calmed tone.

"there is no need to bring her in between us..."

"she herself came in between therefore i wanted to make her leave herself."

"you are no one to decide who should stay in my life or not..."

"i am your father,its my job to keep sluts like her out from your many times i have told you to keep such women away from you."ram said in loud angry voice.

"she is my wife mr.ram maheswari....i will not tolerate such words for her."sanskar shouted angrily.

"what?....are you out of your mind,how can you....."ram asked in shocked voice.

"from now stop acting like my father because you are not good at it...your are nothing but business minded man,who only cares for his business nothing else.....i am also done by being your son now,so stay out from my life from now on."sanskar said in warning tone.he takes out his wallet and puts his credit cards,mobile on his tables.he looks at car key.

"this is gift from my mother therefore i am taking it with me....everything which you have given me is in this house only,buy a robot and give it to him."sanskar said,turned and left.

Sanskar looks at sujata who was standing outside the door,tears were rolling down from her cheeks.sanskar felt bad for his mother.he wipes her tears and hugs her.

"don't leave like this...i will talk to him"sujata said in pleading voice.

"i am sorry mom but i am done with your husband..."sanskar said while breaking hug.

"you can call me anytime if you want to meet me..i will come"sanskar said while holding her hand.

"take care of yourself..."he said and tears started rolling down from her cheeks.


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