Part 4

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"sanskar where are you?...."swara asked excitedly.

"this is work hour,obviously i am in office...."sanskar said in busy tone.

"i have a very good news to tell...please come over here"swara said in same excited tone,happiness was emerging out from her voice.

"what happened,new barbie movie got released?"sanskar said smiling,knowing her nature of getting at every small things.

"no...i got the job,they want me to join from next week"swara blurted out in excitement.

"its great.....congratulations."sanskar said also getting happy.

"oh!...i was not supposed to tell you this on phone......i am so stupid,i am hanging up,don't come here now"swara said in sad regretting tone,for spoiling the surprise and cuts the call,getting very sad.

"hey wait!..."sanskar said but,call was cut already,he keeps on table while chuckling and again start doing his work.


"great people are also present here...."lakshah said in loud  taunting voice.sanskar chuckles,gets up and hugs his best buddy.

"don't be a melodrama.."sanskar said and breaks hug.

"where were you vanished for a month?"lakshah said throwing daggers at him.

"will tell you in free time.."

lakshah nodes at him and meets their other friends, sahil,ragini and kavita.

"you forget to meet my tommy..."ragini said cutely,pointing at her white fluffy dog.lakshah smiles at her cute pout.

"hello tommy! are you?'lakshah said sweetly while others rolls their eyes as ragini really loves her dog.they orders drinks for themselves and start talking about random things then sahil takes kavita for dance.

"where are you busy now a days?"lakshah said in normal tone but there was some seriousness in his voice.

"i had gone India for some work when i came from there dad gave some new projects therefore i have to go paris,just came from there,last week therefore i was not able to meet you"sanskar explains him his busy schedule,hiding his frequent visits to swara.

"i see your father is giving you a tough time....i never thought you will give this much importance to your work that you don't have time for us "lakshah said in little taunting voice.sanskar looking at him,he didn't believe him and sanskar was not surprised as both knows about each other from childhood and can senses lies easily.

"i want another drink..."Sanskar gets up and walks toward counter.lakshah looks at ragini,she was busy with her dog,gets up himself and goes after sanskar.

'what did you do now?"lakshah said,looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"when i was in India.....


Sanskar was talking on phone and driving car when swara comes in front of his car while running.

"what the fu*k..."sanskar applies the break quickly,swara strikes with car and falls just in front of car.sanskar quickly comes out from car.

"are you blind?...can't you see such a big car"sanskar said in angry scolding voice and helps her to stand.

"are you fine?.."sanskar asked while looking at her leg,she was not able to stand.

"can you please drop me to bus station...some goons are after me"swara said in pleading voice.

"are you running from your marriage?..."sanskar asked while looking at her from top to bottom,she was looking bride.

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