Part 12

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Sanskar was standing on road side,looking at swara's apartment.he was lying against car and smoking.

"its means address was not wrong..."sansakr muttered while shaking his head little.meanwhile swara comes at window to correct curtains and her sight fell on sanskar.her hands stopped at their place and her face expressions changed to shocked.sanskar stares at her until she stepped and leaves from there.


"why are you not leaving?..."swara asked after standing in front of opened window.sanskar looks at her,opens door and comes out.

"i am not leaving without you?...."sanskar said in serious tone.

"i am not going with you....please leave,its getting colder,you will fall sick."swara said in worried as it started snowing.

"if you care about me this much then come with me..."sanskar said like stubborn.

"stay here as long as you want..."swara in annoyed tone,turns and leaves from there.

"will you get a warm sleep when i am standing here in cold..."sanskar shouted,seeing her leaving.swara didn't bother to turn back and give him answer.

"she became heartless...."sanskar muttered and looks up at sky,snow was getting harsh with that time,his phone started ringing,he takes out mobile and looks at screen


Sanskar looks at his wrist and cursed his faith,he attends the call and keeps mobile on ear.

"sanskar where are you? have seen the weather,its snowing hard outside,didn't you promised you will come at time from today?"sujata said in one go.

"can i say something now?..."sanskar asked,chuckling a little.sujata keeps silent to show her anger.

"right now i am dealing with a very stubborn person....i think i will get late so don't wait for me and sleep."sanskar said and looks toward swara's apartment,swara quickly hides behind wall.sanskar smiles,seeing that.

"let me guess you find her but she is not willing to come with you."

"how do you know?..."sanskar asked in shocked tone.

"because i am a woman and we women are not idiot to waste our time with such stupid men who are not sure about their own feelings."sujata said and laughed a little.sanskar moves mobile in front of him,glares at it and again keeps it back.

"if you can't give me a good idea to make her agree then don't make fun...."sanskar said in annoyed tone.

"i am sure you would have better idea to make her agree.....just clear your mind why you want her to come with you,just because you are worried or something else......every problem will be solved"sujata said,making sanskar silent.

"think about it...."sujata said and was going to cut call when sanskar called her.

"mom do you really think i love her..."sanskar asked in lost tone.

"why you are persistent to take her with you today?...its too late and weather is also very bad,come home and make her agree tomorrow"

"i will take her with me today only said if i lost her this time then i will lost her forever."sanskar said in hell annoyed tone.

"why don't want to lost her?..."

"because i....."

"because you?..."sujata asked.raising her eyebrow in instinct.sanskar closed his eyes,releasing about it.

"i am hoping you will make me meet her soon."sujata said and cut the call.

"i am such a jerk...who takes this much time to release his own feelings"sanskar cursed at himself and raised his hand to throw his mobile in frustration but stopped seeing swara.she looks at his hand,he quickly moves it down and muttered something under breath.

"why are you still here?..."

"did i tell you...i am not leaving without you....did you finally decided to come with me?"sanskar said with bright smile

"no...i juts came to give you this"swara said,moves forward and gives him a blanket and turns to leave but sanskar quickly holds her hand and pulls her back in tight hug.

"i am sorry for hurting you all this time....but please come with me"sanskar said while hugging her.swara gulps a little and breaks hug.

"why?...why should i?"swara asked,stepping back a little.sanskar holds her hand tightly and moves his other hand around her waist and pulls her close,restraining her from moving back and kissed her.swara's eyes widened in shock.sanskar moves back after giving her short kiss.

"i don't know will you believe me or not but i want to give another chance to our relationship.....without any rules"sanskar said while starring in her eyes.


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