Part 8

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"sahil!....."kavita called him after standing beside him.his muscles tensed in a second after hearing her voice but he didn't turned and takes sip from his drink.kavita holds his shoulder and turns him toward her.

"why are you not picking my calls?...."kavita asked in hurt voice.sahil looked at his shirt as drink has fallen on his shirt a little then he again looks at her.

"why should i?....what do you want to say now? when you have decided about your future with someone else then why are you....."

"i didn't knew anything about and dad didn't ask anything from me and what should i have done in that situation.there were so many people,if i had not walked forward,my parents would have got so embarrassed...."

"hmm....okay fine,if you were bound at that moment then tell your parents can't do this marriage."sahil said in calm tone.kavita bites her inner cheek.

"call them..."sahil said after offering his phone.

"you know i can't...."kavita said with tear filled eyes.sahil stares at her face for a second then chuckles humorlessly and puts back mobile in jeans pocket.

"if you have decided to marry where your parents want you then WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING HERE,GO AND STAND WITH YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND"sahil said last sentence through greeted teeth and turned to leave but kavita holds his arm with both hands.

"sahil please...i love you,please understand."kavita said in helpless tone.sahil looks at her face then at her tear filled eyes.he released a deep sigh,turns back and cups her left cheek.

"what do you want from me? want me to continue this relationship even after your marriage.this what you want?"

"sahil!....."kavita muttered as one tear drop fell from her eye.

"what's the need of this relationship when there is no future of it...."sahil said,wiped his tear from his thumb,frees his hand and leaves.

"sahil!....."kavita shouted,while tears start rolling down from her cheek but he didn't turn this time and walks out from door.

"sahil!...."she again shouted and holds her heads,feeling dizzy.she staggered a little and falls down but someone holds her before she hit the ground.


"mama! papa! please leave...i don't want to talk"kavita said in serious voice while leaning again pillow.

"what is this attitude....we are worried for you therefore we came hospital."her father said in anger filled voice.

"she is not feeling well..."her mother said in soft tone to calm her husband and looks at sanskar's parents who were also standing there.

"therefore i am asking what made her so worried that she landed in hospital...."

"she don't want to marry sanskar and she loves two are pressurizing her to marry sanskar therefore she landed in hospital."Ragini said in curt voice.all(sanskar,lakshah,their parents,kavita)

"don't you know when should you speak and when not?...."her mother throw death glare at her.

"no because i am not intelligent like kavita,who always thinks the consequences but i am happy that i am not like  because i don't have courage like her.......courage to burn my own happiness just because my parents loves their business instead of our happiness."

"ragini!....."her father raised his hand to slap her but lucky holds his hand.

"sir please...."lucky said,coming in front of ragini.

"what wrong did she said papa......"kavita asked as tears start rolling down from her cheek.

"doctor said you shouldn't take tension about anything....otherwise your condition will get worse and if your condition will get worse then your boyfriend will kill me....this much i know about him."sanskar said while walking forward.

"we are friends you should have told me......"sanskar said and wipes her tears.

"call that jerk and tell him that he owes me a beautiful girl...."he said,removes his ring,put it on side table,pats her cheek,turns and walks toward door.he stops in front of ram and smiles triumphantly then leaves.



"i can't tell you how much relieved i am...."sanskar said after opening the door of swara's room.her hands stopped for a second then she continues to do her work.

"will not ask? what happened?"he asked after back hugging her.

"what happened?...."she asked in normal tone.

"my and kavit's engagement is broken...."sanskar said in cheerful tone and looked forward.she was packing her bag.

"you are going somewhere?..."

"i am shifting to the apartment which my company has given...."she said in normal tone.sanskar gets straight after breaking hug.swara feels him moving back but didn't said anything.


"what do you mean by why? long can i stay in your house?"she said in same tone.

"you are forgetting.....this is your house "sanskar said while getting angry.

"this is not my house,i agreed that time because i had no place to go bit i had promised myself when time will come i will leave and its time...."swara said and walks toward to wardrobe and takes out remaining dresses and walks put,not looking at sanskar.

"why are you doing this when everything is fine.....when everything is getting back to normal"sanskar said while turning her toward him with jerk.

"you had said i can leave whenever i want...."swara said and tried to free her arm.
"tell me the reason then you can go...."sanskar said after tightening his grip.

"what do you think of me?...."

"what?...."he asked being confused.

"i can't continue any relationship with committed person."

"my engagement is broken....didn't you hear?"he said in anger filled voice.

"for now after some time you will get engage to someone else and you will again leave......therefore i can't do this."swara said and blinks her eyes to stop tears from coming out.sanskar opens his mouth to say something but swara stops him.

"sanskar and i both know there is no future for us then i think we should stop here."swara said frees her arm,turns to other side,wipes her tears from corner of her eye.sanskar closes his fists when she freed her arm.swaea puts remaining dresses in her bag,closes it and drags it toward door.

Sanskar closed his eyes,thinks for a second then opens his fists,goes toward her,holds her arm and pinned her to door with jerk and kissed her immediately before she could have something.swara kiss him back after a second and both showing different emotions with their kiss,love,anger,broken heart,passion.

Both breaks their kiss after sometime and sanskar starts kissing down her neck.

swara was melting under his touch but after releasing it,she opens her eyes and starts pushing him back with one hand as her other arm was in his grip.

"sanskar please stop it..."she said as she pushed him back.sanskar holds her other and pinned it to side of her head and leans forward to kiss her but swara turns her face away.

"why are you doing this?....i was so happy before coming here with the thought that everything will get back to normal"sanskar said through greeted teeth.swara looks at him with tear filled eyes.

"i am doing this because when time will come,you will again leave easily like before but it is getting harder for me to leave by every minute i spend because I LOVE YOU."swara said in hurt voice and two tears rolls down over her cheek.

Sanskar looks at her with shocked expressions.


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