the fight pt.1

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                                                                        Jessica's POV

                I am now where I'm supposed to be and where I've supposed to been forever. We are stating to prepare for the fight against Medatron I have to make sure we have everything for this fight. I will not let any of my brothers or sisters die even if I have to sacrifice myself. Castiel is suspicious but I don't let him in on my plan the only way my plan will work is if no one knows. Michael can't know either nobody can. Castiel walked in and said "What's the plan babe." "Well I have many plans one of which no one will like." "Please tell me." "No you'll tell my brothers and then try and stop me." "Fine lets bring them into the conversation." "I hate you while loving you." "I know." Then he kisses me. He brought my brothers into my room. I told them all four of my plans even the one I said no one could know. Everyone reacted like I thought they would.

                                Castiel's POV 

        "What the Fuck Jessica Ann Winchester Hell No at least not that last one." "Come on Cas its my responsibility to take care of all of you. He can't take over if I'm not here or alive now can he." Is what she said and then turned her backto leave. Then Michael pipped up "Sis I agree with Castiel this time. No I won't let you be taken away from me again you're my sister it was hard enough to watch you down on Earth I won't let that happen again. Never do you understand...." "Micheal I have to do everything and anything that will make you guys safe I'm sorry lil' bro. This is how it might have to end..." "No I won't let it happen NEVER NEVER EVER." "Bro I have to I'm sorry." "NO I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU BEING AWAY MICHAEL IS ALL COCKY WHEN YOU ARE GONE." This time it was Raphiel.

                                                Raphiel's POV

        My sister actually was thinking of leaving and putting Michael in charge again I think not lets look at the last time she did that shall we.


               Lucifer: If you do this then I will take our beloved sister with me.

                Michael:No you won't

           Jess: Boys I will do watever it takes to protect Heaven even if it means going to the cage then so be it.

                Michael: Jessica Ann

            Lucifer: You heard her do it.

                Michael: No.

                                Then he rips her grace out of her.

                                        __--__--__Flashback End__--__--__

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