The fight pt. 3

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                                                Crowley's POV

        What is taking him so long. It's two hours past the time Jessica and Medatron agreed to meet. "I wonder if he got scared or if he's just plain stupid..." "Why do you say that?" Michael asks. "Cause he's making your older sister wait and trust me I've seen her temper that's not something you want on your ass." "I know man I've seen her in a couple fights when she was on earth." "Yeah I was the reason for half of 'em." Castiel says. "Bring me Benny or someone else I can punch." Jessica yells in frustration. We automatically bring Benny to her and she knocks him out cold.

                                                Castiel's POV

        I can't believe Medatron stood us up especially with Jess' temper. Well there's an upside to it. She punched Benny knocked him out cold. "Hey calm down." Crowley, Michael and I all say in unison. "CALM DOWN MEDATRON STOOD US UP." "Ok. I understand but maybe he's just stupid or he got scared..." I was cut off by her screams. "What's wrong sweety." "Lucifer he's in my head says 'he can help.'" She screams in pain again. I have to let him out there's a way to skip all of those tasks to get him out temporarily so I do it. She ran up to him and hugged him like he was her best friend. I miss how we used to talk


        C: Hey what happened.

                J: Jake happened .

        C: What do you mean he happened.

                J: He kept telling everyone we were together but I just want to be with you you're the only thing that helps me keep my head.

        C: Don't worry I'll talk to him and really...

                J: Hell yeah.

        C: If you want to be with me then why don't we.

                J: You know why Cas cause we live under the same roof.

        C: And that'll just give us more time together.

                J: And we are practically brother and sister.

        C: Brother and sisters wouldn't do this would they

We kissed after that.

                *__-*__-Flashback end*__-*__-

                                Michael's POV

        I can't believe she actually believed him but still this is the first time since she has gotten her grace back that she has been truely happy. Lucifer looked at me and said "Thanks for sending her away and then bringing her back here to us again brother." "I didn't do it for you. I did it for her protection.

                               Lucifer's POV (YAY)

        I don't know who brought me out of the cage but I am eternally grateful even if it is temporary. My sister ran up to me and hugged me as soon as I appeared. I missed her so much I hate my brother for what he put her through.

                                                An Hour and a half later

                                                                Medatron's POV

        I am scared of what Jessica is capable of she can tear a demon apart in just seconds if she wanted to. I stood her up for three and a half hours so I wonder what she will do. I hope it's not too bad.

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