Healing and Peace finally

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                                                                        Lucifer's POV

        My sister is sleeping which is weird for an angel but she used a lot of energy today so I guess its normal. Jess was human once right once when I wasn't her brother. No wonder I like her but she's Castiel's. You know what fuck him he's nothing. When she awoke I kissed her. She punched me and told Castiel to send me back to the pit. I screamed "NO NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS NOT AGAIN." She screamed right back "YOU KISSED ME AND FYI I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT BECAUSE OTHER THAN OUR FATHER I AM THE OLDEST."

                                        Castiel's POV

        She was asleep wich is weird for an angel but she needs to heal and she really needs peace of every kind except quite. I hear something coming from her room and to my suprise she was hitting Lucifer and screaming. Me and Michael both pop into the room and ke kept kissing her she screamed for me to come but I didn't until now. Damn it why did I have to let him stay in there with her by himself. UGH!!!!! I'm so stupid. 

                                                Jessica's POV

        The last thing I remember is telling them how I feel like my hand is broken and part of my knee is also broken then I wake up to find my brother Lucifer kissing me. I scream and punch him and repeat thyis for about ten minutes till my brother Micheal and Castiel pop into the room. I tell Castiel to put him back into the pit. He screamed "NO YOU CAN'T DO THIS NOT AGAIN." I screamed right back "YOU KISSED ME AND FYI I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT BECAUSE OTHER THAN OUR FATHER I'M THE OLDEST." Then I see he is gone and I cry into Cas' shoulder. 

                                                                Micheal's POV

        Lucifer was kissing Jess that's the last straw. I don't care what she has to say about it he's going back into the pit now. As I'm thinking that I heard her tell Castiel "Throw this peice of shit of my brother back to the pit now."  Two great minds think alike our father always used to tell me and Jess. I have always admired her even with her curse she never was one to put up with nonsense. She never let me have any fun only because she was under father's orders but that was always one of her strong points.


        F: Jess.

            J: Yes father 

        F: Bring me Michael please 

             J: Yes sir 

                M:Yes father 

        F: Why did you play tricks on your sister again 

            J: Yeah why haven't I been good to you I've let you slide a couple of times but this time... this time you went to far.

        F: Thank you. You are dismissed until I call you back 

              J: Yes Father 

                    /__-*!Flashback End/__-*!

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