Heaven teams up with an unlikely team mates

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                                                        Crowley's POV

        "Hold on there's an Angelic demon and I had no clue about it." I say shocked. "YES BUT WILL YOU HELP US." Jess says practically yelling. "Come on let me have a minute to think and process this." "I will tell you who it is if you help us." Micheal says. "OK for pete's sake I will help you. Now tell me." "It's me" Jess said quietly. "Really Daddy's first little angel is an Angelic demon interesting." " Shut up Crowley she's already tried to kill herself once you're only going to make it worse." Castiel said trying to make sure she didn't have anything that could possibly kill her.

                                                Dean's POV

        I hope Jess is OK Sam is leaving hunting until they get home. I say "Go it's OK me Lisa and teenage Ben can take care of him." "No I have to see her hold her child one more time before I go on another hunt..." "You know she wouldn't want this." "Yeah I know but she is the oldest why would she leave.." "Sam she didn't have a choice." As soon as I said that Jess Michael Crowley Castiel Gabriel and Raphael popped in the room. Jess said "Crowley here is to stay here until I come back for him so Sam you get to stay here and make sure he doesn't leave the house." Then she turned to me "You I need you to get all bags except for Sam's and get out and come with me. Dean I'm sorry but this has to be what happens we will come back for Sam. Trust me I will protect the two of you even if I die because of it you all are my responsibility and I mean all of you not just my family but Lisa, Ben and all of Hell now." "What?" "I'll explain later."

                                        Sam's POV

        I finally get what Jess said "I'll explain later." She meant she would show me. I literally have to watch Crowley so he doesn't leave. I called her and the phone rang and rang and I got her voice mail it sang

        If your one of my brothers leave a message

If your my husband keep calling till you get me

If it's anyone else hang up and don't call me again.

so I sang

Hey it's me Sammy please call me as soon as you can bye.

                                                Jessica's POV

        Sam called and he actually said Sammy I have to call him back soon. Castiel keeps calling until I pick up and he said "Everyone in Purgatory agreed yes even the Leviathans." "Great now we have to Figure out how to get them all out of there and back here." "There's a Port hole through Hell then I can get them the rest of the way through." "Good I'll see you when you get back won't I." "Of course it'll be the first place I come." "Be careful." "I always am aren't I." "Yes but this time is different babe." "Raphael will come and get all of you and I'm sorry that I sent you there." "Shh. It's OK we'll be back together before you know it." "Thanks you're the only thing that's keeping me from doing something stupid. Well you and our son." "Bye Plan some more." "I'll think about it or I might just think of you all the time." "Hon you need to plan every Supernatural thing is dependent on you and I need you to live. Our son needs you to live."

                                                Castiel's Pov

        Jess sounded terrified when I was on the phone with her. I hate it when she cries. "Please God if your out there please allow me to get back to her." I pray to God.

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