My only choice to help ,Dean

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                                                                        Jessica's POV

        Dean's body is rejecting it so I have to do the unthinkable. I have to heal him ehy did he not tell me sooner I could've helped him. Ugh he never did like me going out of my way to help him.

                                                        )!#__-__-!#)FLASH BACK)!#__-__-!#)

        J: Dean do you need help cutting up your steak

                D: No i can get it 

        J: Dean quit being stubborn I know you get it by looking at me and dad but you don't have to be like us ok.

                D: Jess I know you want to help but you're hurt...

        J: No I'm not I'm Just having a hard time 

                D: Yes you are now quit with the tough act. here I'll tell you what if you let me help you then you can help me 

        J: Fine 

                D: Yes finally.

                                )!#__-__!#) FLASHBACK END)!#__-__!#)

                                                DEAN'S POV

        Why did I have to be stubborn this could've been avoided. I'm sure Jess is going to kill me when I wake up. Fuck my ass my body is rejecting her grace so I don't even know if I will wake up this time. Please God if you're out there let me wake up for my family.

                                                                        Cas' POV

        I haven't seen her this sad or 'broken' aince she was eight. Her cousin Cristian told her to go kill herself and I was pissed but she wouldn't allow me to act on it but I told him to go fuck himself.

                                                        Sam's POv

        My sister is all broken because Dean was hurt I hate him. He always gets her attention. When we were little she would tell Dean to protect me because we were on a dangerous case I would obviously object but she would always say I'm a survivor and fighter not a quiter I'll be home for dinner like alway.

                                                                Crowley's POV

        Yes the big baby is still willing to risk her life for moose and squirle. Mainly squrile she always had her favoirite sibling and Dean was her favorite. Dean will not die but I wonder at what cost oh right her Grace.

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